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作者:(英)Chris Reed ; 编注:白金、黄韬 校注:张楚
出版日期:2006-12-1 ISBN:7300077625 字数:463000 


1 目标和方法
2 技术和经济环境
第1章 分散型状态的互联网
1.1 因特网简介
1.2 数据包的交换、复制和网络数据文件的原始性
1.3 互联网络的协作性及基础结钉的分散性
1.4 资源管理、镜像和因特网中的其他隐性因素
1.5 灵活分散的运行方式和真实的网络地址
1.6 “穿越迷云”
第2章 各尽所能:网络世界的参与者及其活动
2.1 主要参与者
2.2 基础结构提供者
2.3 网络中介
2.4 分散式运行的企业
第3章 互联网资源的所有权和合法使用
3.1 网络资源的两面性
3.2 域名
3.3 通过网络获得第三方资源
3.4 从所有权到使用权
第4章 网络中介机构的责任
4.1 服务提供商责任
4.2 由网络信息内容引发的法律责任
4.3 网络中介机构的责任限制
第5章 网上身份及身份辨认
5.1 网络上的身份问题
5.2 网上身份认证技术的使用
5.3 网上身份的认证
5.4 鉴定制度
5.5 认证机构的责任
5.6 认证机构
第6章 互联网世界发生的传统贸易
第7章 跨境法律和管辖权
第8章 合法的套利交易
第9章 网络环境下法律的可执行性
第10章 直面法律和规章的挑战
Internet Law: Text and Materials (Law in Context)


作者:李毅  译者(编者):
ISBN:0-7618-3331-5  语言:中文
出版日期:2005年11月  出版社:University Press of America
The Structure & Evolution of Chinese Social Stratification has finally addressed this gap. Dr. Li provides detailed analysis critical to understanding the class structure of Chinese society, both pre-1949 and in the post-Mao era. His explanation of the origin, structure, and evolution of the model will be essential reading material for any introductory student of Chinese society.


  目 录


Who Controls the Internet?

In their new book "Who Controls the Internet", Jack Goldsmith and Tim Wu make a compelling case that the optimistic hope that the internet would erase national boundaries has been replaced by a reality of local control leveraged through governmental pressure on intermediaries, at least in the case of large multinational companies. (Cited from PingSwept)

Are we really in "the beginning of a technological version of the cold war?" (p. 184) I don’t think it is absolutely correct since the conception of cold war is under some objective  threatens which may be illustrated superficially with the term of "nuclear terrors". The only analogy may be the seperated world by censorships of governments and/or giant multinational enterprises. Talking the issues of freedom of expression and freedom of religion, the gap may be huge, however, I think, only if the Matrix of Internet really be crushed down by the different domain systems, those censorships may never really filter all since the intellgences and ideas are not merely emerged from the western/eastern world. Further, while we are talking about the protection of private rights, say, copyright, personal privacy and commercial secret, the cold war may be substituted by the hot love scene between west and east … not only because the hegemony of someone, but also because the inherent needs of developing their own cultures.

So, as Ethan Leib said, the book may be a "popular" and "entertaining" one, though I still need to evaluate the same after reading it through.

Besides, Milton Mueller (The author of the wellknown Ruling the Root) think it is a "manifesto for counterrevolution", and John Mathiason suggested it is an "Episode II".