Tag: <span>e-commerce</span>

How to request Taobao / Alibaba disclosing seller’s info

天猫阿里怎么披露卖家信息 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_cf8a85980102w3ii.html  如何取得涉嫌侵权的淘宝卖家信息 http://www.wangjinglvshi.com/archives/222.html 平台治理假货的法律义务和责任 http://mt.sohu.com/20160520/n450588557.shtml 双边市场和第三方电子商务平台商标侵权的替代责任 http://pkulaw.cn/fulltext_form.aspx?Db=qikan&Gid=1510138009 面对侵权投诉ISP如何履行信息披露义务 http://wap.chinaxwcb.com/2013/0801/6095.html 从淘宝侵权看网络交易平台商的法律地位 http://www.xzbu.com/2/view-5475664.htm 侵犯商业秘密行政查处流程及需提交的材料说明 http://www.wuji8.com/meta/886544282.html 原告郭东林与被告王洁琼因商标权侵权纠纷一审民事判决书 http://ipr.court.gov.cn/jx/sbq/201410/t20141029_3712081.html 浅析电商在知识产权纠纷中的侵权责任承担——《关于审理电子商务侵害知识产权纠纷案件若干问题的解答》解读 http://www.debund.com/info/f3554e4507da4e04934b1545ceb61e2d 北京高院出台关于电子商务侵害知识产权纠纷案件若干问题的解答 http://www.wanhuida.com/tabid/142/ArticleID/1625/Default.aspx 北京高院关于审理电子商务侵害知识产权纠纷案件若干问题的解答 http://www.jianfazhiku.com/ReadNewsAll.asp?newsid=16255 田方舟与浙江淘宝网络有限公司侵权责任纠纷一审民事判决书 http://www.qiduowei.com/court-MDAwMDEyMzA42NDIy

Book Chapter – Taxation Issues in the E-commerce

DONG Hao, “Taxation Issues in the E-commerce”, in LI Zuming (ed.), E-commerce Law, Beijing: University of International Business and Economics Press (2009), 19,000 words;


The E-commerce should not escape itself from the taxation. However, the troditional tax law and taxation policies would not cope with the new challenges including the identification of the taxpayer, the jurisdiction issues, the "new" objects of taxation, etc. This chapter firstly analyzed the impacts of the online commerce to the traditional tax law. Then it introduced the achievements either in the academia or in the legislations in various countries. China’s relevant taxation policies and the future development are discussed in the third section of this chapter. To make this book more practical,  although the structure of the chapter can be divided to the above three parts, the whole chapter always focuses on the possible dilemma as well as the solution in the context of Chinese taxation system.
