Tag: <span>律师</span>

Paper Abstract – By John BURKE and Hao DONG

Competition Policy and Updating Vehicles for the Delivery of Legal Services: The New South Wales Experience and Lessons for Hong Kong

John BURKE* & Hao DONG**

Accepted by SSCI Journal: Asian and Pacific Law Review

Abstract: Competition policy has been applied to the legal profession in NSW for over a decade. The introduction of a broad reaching competition law to Hong Kong is currently being considered there. This article will review two key aspects of competition policy in NSW, the introduction of incorporated legal practices (‘ILPs’) and multi-disciplinary legal practices (‘MDPs’). In particular, it will explore the degree to which these changes have altered the traditional professional model of legal practice in NSW and the benefits and costs of these effects. These lessons are relevant to legal profession in Hong Kong because proposals in a public consultation paper issued by the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau on 6 May 2008 envisage that competition policy would apply prima facie to all business models. Furthermore, existing (but dormant) legislation permitting ILPs and recommendations to allow MDPs make these changes to the landscape of legal practice a real possibility. This article will conclude that such changes should be viewed with caution in Hong Kong and perhaps other solutions sought to improve the efficiency and productivity of the legal system and access to justice in that jurisdiction.


* Teaching Fellow, City University of Hong Kong. BA (Macquarie University), Dip. Law (SAB), LLM (UTS), Graduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (Charles Sturt University).
** Lecturer in Yunnan University (PRC), PhD Candidate in City University of Hong Kong. The authors would also like to thank Professor Christopher Roper and Professor Gino Dal Pont’s careful proof reading, as well as very helpful insights provided by Michael Sandor on the current law of Hong Kong, who refereed this article.





《BlawgWorld 2007》——美国法律博客的小百科

  《BlawgWorld 2007 with Technolawyer Problem/Solution Guide》是一本由Technolawyer.com编辑的电子书(PDF格式),发布于2007年7月30日。一开始,我以为不过是类似于文集的一本休闲性质的东西,下载下来后一直放着没看。今天睡不着觉,打开它准备催眠一下,但没想到一打开竟然荷尔蒙乱冒,其中内容之丰富,编排之精细,完全出乎我的意料。


  其次,这本书中总结了185个律师事务所运营中的常见问题及其解决方案,即所谓“Technolawyer Problem/Solution Guide”部分,这些问题包括事务所的业务管理、文献资料的搜索方法、收费方式的建议、客户宣传等等诸多方面,全部都是非常实用的资料——从“怎么组织我电脑中的各类文献”到“怎样在法庭辩论中准备PPT文档”,再到“我应建议客户保护哪些知识产权利益”等等。而这些问题答案如同真正的网络日志一样,大多包含了各式各样的链接、下载地址和相关资料索引,帮助读者轻易地真正解决他们想解决的问题。
