Speaking Chinglish, maybe Yunglish (Yunnan English), I sit in the famous Pass By Bar together with a friend.
"Keep fighting to the notion that no money and no time can be the cause of non-traveling." The owner of the Pass By Bar has been to Tibet twice by bicycle. But in his bar, both the atmosphere and the price are not cheap. 171 RMB for two persons, one is a dieter. Business is always business.
Dr. Xu is a famous People’s Representative in Haidian District. Together with Dr. Teng Biao and other respectable lawyers, Dr. Xu involved in the case of Chen Guangcheng. Dr. Xu’s blog tells us more experiences of lawyers who are fighting for the Rule of Law in China, even it seems an impossible mission. Ideal may always be an ideal.
Pass By Bar lies in "Nan Luo Gu Alley", beside the Di An Men. To find it, I asked a guy who sitted in a car marked as "城管" (Urban Administor, they are in charge of banishing the unlicenced packmen). He said he don’t know where the alley is since "It is not in our precinct", he said, "our precinct stops at Di An Men." Ruler is always in the mood of ruling.