

王文杰 楊寶鑑:中國訴前禁制令制度之研究



 (2002年10月12日最高人民法院审判委员会第1246次会议通过 法释[2002]31号)

Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court Concerning the Application of Laws in the Trial of Civil Disputes over Copyright


为了正确审理著作权民事纠纷案件,根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》、《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国著作权法》、《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等法律的规定,就适用法律若干问题解释如下:第一条 人民法院受理以下著作权民事纠纷案件:




第二条 著作权民事纠纷案件,由中级以上人民法院管辖。


第三条 对著作权行政管理部门查处的侵犯著作权行为,当事人向人民法院提起诉讼追究该行为人民事责任的,人民法院应当受理。


第四条 因侵犯著作权行为提起的民事诉讼,由著作权法第四十六条、第四十七条所规定侵权行为的实施地、侵权复制品储藏地或者查封扣押地、被告住所地人民法院管辖。前款规定的侵权复制品储藏地,是指大量或者经营性储存、隐匿侵权复制品所在地;查封扣押地,是指海关、版权、工商等行政机关依法查封、扣押侵权复制品所在地。

第五条 对涉及不同侵权行为实施地的多个被告提起的共同诉讼,原告可以选择其中一个被告的侵权行为实施地人民法院管辖;仅对其中某一被告提起的诉讼,该被告侵权行为实施地的人民法院有管辖权。

第六条 依法成立的著作权集体管理组织,根据著作权人的书面授权,以自己的名义提起诉讼,人民法院应当受理。

第七条 当事人提供的涉及著作权的底稿、原件、合法出版物、著作权登记证书、认证机构出具的证明、取得权利的合同等,可以作为证据。在作品或者制品上署名的自然人、法人或者其他组织视为著作权、与著作权有关权益的权利人,但有相反证明的除外。

第八条 当事人自行或者委托他人以定购、现场交易等方式购买侵权复制品而了取得的实物、发票等,可以作为证据。


第九条 著作权法第十条第(一)项规定的"公之于众",是指著作权人自行或者经著作权人许可将作品向不特定的人公开,但不以公众知晓为构成条件。

第十条 著作权法第十五条第二款所指的作品,著作权人是自然人的,其保护期适用著作权法第二十一条第一款的规定;著作权人是法人或其他组织的,其保护期适用著作权法第二十一条第二款的规定。

第十一条 因作品署名顺序发生的纠纷,人民法院按照下列原则处理;有约定的按约定确定署名顺序;没有约定的,可以按照创作作品付出的劳动、作品排列、作者姓氏笔划等确定署名顺序。

第十二条 按照著作权法第十七条规定委托作品著作权属于受托人的情形,委托人在约定的使用范围内享有使用作品的权利;双方没有约定使用作品范围的,委托人可以在委托创作的特定目的范围内免费使用该作品。

第十三条 除著作权法第十一条第三款规定的情形外,由他人执笔,本人审阅定稿并以本人名义发表的报告、讲话等作品,著作权归报告人或者讲话人享有。著作权人可以支付执笔人适当的报酬。

第十四条 当事人合意以特定人物经历为题材完成的自传体作品,当事人对著作权权属有约定的,依其约定;没有约定的,著作权归该特定人物享有,执笔人或整理人对作品完成付出劳动的,著作权人可以向其支付适当的报酬。

第十五条 由不同作者就同一题材创作的作品,作品的表达系独立完成并且有创作性的,应当认定作者各自享有独立著作权。

第十六条 通过大众传播媒介传播的单纯事实消息属于著作权法第五条第(二)项规定的时事新闻。传播报道他人采编的时事新闻,应当注明出处。

第十七条 著作权法第三十二条第二款规定的转载,是指报纸、期刊登载其他报刊已发表作品的行为。转载未注明被转载作品的作者和最初登载的报刊出处的,应当承担消除影响、赔礼道歉等民事责任。

第十八条 著作权法第二十二条第(十)项规定的室外公共场所的艺术作品,是指设置或者陈列在室外社会公众活动处所的雕塑、绘画、书法等艺术作品。对前款规定艺术作品的临摹、绘画、摄影、录像人,可以对其成果以合理的方式和范围再行使用,不构成侵权。

第十九条 出版者、制作者应当对其出版、制作有合法授权承担举证责任,发行者、出租者应当对其发行或者出租的复制品有合法来源承担举证责任。举证不能的,依据著作权法第四十六条、第四十七条的相应规定承担法律责任。

第二十条 出版物侵犯他人著作权的,出版者应当根据其过错、侵权程度及损害后果等承担民事赔偿责任。


第二十一条 计算机软件用户未经许可或者超过许可范围商业使用计算机软件的,依据著作权法第四十七条第(一)项、《计算机软件保护条例》第二十四条第(一)项的规定承担民事责任。

第二十二条 著作权转让合同未采取书面形式的,人民法院依据合同法第三十六条、第三十七条的规定审查合同是否成立。

第二十三条 出版者将著作权人交付出版的作品丢失、毁损致使出版合同不能履行的,依据著作权法第五十三条、民法通则第一百一十七条以及合同法第一百二十二条的规定追究出版者的民事责任。

第二十四条 权利人的实际损失,可以根据权利人因侵权所造成复制品发行减少量或者侵权复制品销售量与权利人发行该复制品单位利润乘积计算。发行减少量难以确定的,按照侵权复制品市场销售量确定。

第二十五条 权利人的实际损失或者侵权人的违法所得无法确定的,人民法院根据当事人的请求或者依职权适用著作权法第四十八条第二款的规定确定赔偿数额。人民法院在确定赔偿数额时,应当考虑作品类型、合理使用费、侵权行为性质、后果等情节综合确定。


第二十六条 著作权法第四十八条第一款规定的制止侵权行为所支付的合理开支,包括权利人或者委托代理人对侵权行为进行调查、取证的合理费用。人民法院根据当事人的诉讼请求和具体案情,可以将符合国家有关部门规定的律师费用计算在赔偿范围内。

第二十七条 在著作权法修改决定施行前发生的侵犯著作权行为起诉的案件,人民法院于该决定施行后作出判决的,可以参照适用著作权法第四十八条的规定。

第二十八条 侵犯著作权的诉讼时效为两年,自著作权人知道或者应当知道侵权行为之日起计算。权利人超过两年起诉的,如果侵权行为在起诉时仍在持续,在该著作权保护期内,人民法院应当判决被告停止侵权行为;侵权损害赔偿数额应当自权利人向人民法院起诉之日起向前推算两年计算。

第二十九条 对著作权法第四十七条规定的侵权行为,人民法院根据当事人的请求除追究行为人民事责任外,还可以依据民法通则第一百三十四条第三款的规定给予民事制裁,罚款数额可以参照《中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例》的有关规定确定。著作权行政管理部门对相同的侵权行为已经给予行政处罚的,人民法院不再予以民事制裁。

  第三十条 对2001年10月27日前发生的侵犯著作权行为,当事人于2001年10月27日后向人民法院提出申请采取责令停止侵权行为或者证据保全措施的,适用著作权法第四十九条、第五十条的规定。人民法院采取诉前措施,参照《最高人民法院关于诉前停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为和保全证据适用法律问题的解释》的规定办理。

第三十一条 除本解释另行规定外,2001年10月27日以后人民法院受理的著作权民事纠纷案件,涉及2001年10月27日前发生的民事行为的,适用修改前著作权法的规定;涉及该日期以后发生的民事行为的,适用修改后著作权法的规定;涉及该日期前发生,持续到该日期后的民事行为的,适用修改后著作权法的规定。

第三十二条 以前的有关规定与本解释不一致的,以本解释为准。


The Reply of the Supreme People’s Court on How to Deal with the Document Numbers of Cases Involving orders to Stop Infringement upon Patents, Trademarks or Copyrights Prior to Litigation and the Case Acceptance Fee










Interpretation Relating to Application of Law to Pre-trial Suspension of Acts of Infringement of Exclusive Right to Use Trademark And to Evidence Preservation

Judicial Interpretation No. 2 (2002) 法释〔2002〕2号
(Adopted at the 1203rd Meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People’s Court on 25 December 2001 and implemented on 22 January 2002.) (2001年12月25日最高人民法院审判委员会第1203次会议通过)
The Interpretation of the Issues Relating to Application of Law to Pre-trial Suspension of Acts of Infringement of Exclusive Right to Use Trademark and to Evidence Preservation. is hereby made as follows in accordant with the relevant provisions of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Trademark Law) and the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Procedure Law) with a view to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the trademark registrants and interested parties: 为切实保护商标注册人和利害关系人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》、《中华人民共和国商标法》(以下简称商标法)、《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》(以下简称民事诉讼法)的有关规定,现就有关诉前停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为和保全证据适用法律问题解释如下:
Article 1 Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 57 and 58 of the Trademark Law, the trademark registrants and interested parties may file applications with the People’s Court for ordering pre-trial suspension of acts of infringement of exclusive right to use trademark or for evidence preservation. 一、根据商标法第五十七条、第五十八条的规定,商标注册人或者利害关系人可以向人民法院提出诉前责令停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为或者保全证据的申请。
The interested parties who may file said applications include licensees of registered trademark licensing contracts and lawful heirs of the property right in registered trademarks.Of the licensees of registered trademark licensing contracts, the monopolisingly exclusive (excluding the licensor and any other licensee) licensees of registered trademark licensing contracts may alone file the application with the People’s Court; the exclusive (excluding any other licensee) licensees of registered trademark licensing contracts may do so where the trademark registrants do not.   提出申请的利害关系人,包括商标使用许可合同的被许可人、注册商标财产权利的合法继承人。注册商标使用许可合同被许可人中,独占使用许可合同的被许可人可以单独向人民法院提出申请;排他使用许可合同的被许可人在商标注册人不申请的情况下,可以提出申请。
Article 2 The applications for ordering pre-trial suspension of acts of infringement of exclusive right to use trademark or for evidence preservation shall be filed with the People’s Court having the jurisdiction over trademark cases of the places where the infringing acts occur or where the defendants have their domicile. 二、诉前责令停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为或者保全证据的申请,应当向侵权行为地或者被申请人住所地对商标案件有管辖权的人民法院提出。
Article 3 Trademark registrants and interested parties filing applications for ordering pre-trial suspension of acts of infringement of exclusive right to use trademark shall submit written applications. In the written applications shall be indicated: 三、商标注册人或者利害关系人向人民法院提出诉前停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为的申请,应当递交书面申请状。申请状应当载明:
(1) the interested party and the basic information thereof; (一)当事人及其基本情况;
(2) specific subject matter and scope of the application; and (二)申请的具体内容、范围;
(3) cause of the application, including the specific statement that failure to promptly stop the infringement will cause the legitimate rights and interests of the trademark registrants and interested parties suffer irreparable injury. (三)申请的理由,包括有关行为如不及时制止,将会使商标注册人或者利害关系人的合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的具体说明。
Trademark registrants and interested parties filing applications for evidence preservation shall submit written applications. In the written applications shall be indicated:   商标注册人或者利害关系人向人民法院提出诉前保全证据的申请,应当递交书面申请状。申请状应当载明:
(1) the interested party and the basic information thereof; (一)当事人及其基本情况;
(2) specific subject matter and scope of the application; (二)申请保全证据的具体内容、范围、所在地点;
(3) object attestable by the evidence of which preservation is requested; and (三)请求保全的证据能够证明的对象;
(4) cause of the application, including specific statement that the evidence is like to be destroyed or hard to be obtained afterwards, and the interested party and, moreover, his or its agent ad litem cannot collect the evidence on their own for objective reasons. (四)申请的理由,包括证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得,且当事人及其诉讼代理人因客观原因不能自行收集的具体说明。
Article 4 When filing the application for ordering pre-trial suspension of acts of infringement of exclusive right to use trademark, the applicant shall submit the following evidence: 四、申请人提出诉前停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为的申请时,应当提交下列证据:
(1) The trademark registrant shall submit the Certificate of Trademark Registration, and the interested party shall submit the trademark licensing contract, documents submitted for filing with the Trademark Office and a copy of the Certificate of Trademark Registration; where an exclusive licensee of registered trademark licensing contract files an application, it or he shall submit proof that the trademark registrant has waived application; an heir of the property right in a registered trademark files an application, it or he shall submit proof of its or his inheritance or ongoing inheritance.   (一) 商标注册人应当提交商标注册证,利害关系人应当提交商标使用许可合同、在商标局备案的材料及商标注册证复印件;排他使用许可合同的被许可人单独提出申请的,应当提交商标注册人放弃申请的证据材料;注册商标财产权利的继承人应当提交已经继承或者正在继承的证据材料。
(2) Evidence attesting that the respondent is executing or is going to execute the act of infringement of the exclusive right to use the registered trademark, including the accused infringing goods.   (二) 证明被申请人正在实施或者即将实施侵犯注册商标专用权的行为的证据,包括被控侵权商品。
Article 5 The adjudication made by the People’s Court on pre-trial suspension of acts of infringement of exclusive right to use trademark or on evidence preservation shall be limited to the scope as of the application filed by the trademark registrant and interested party. 五、人民法院作出诉前停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为或者保全证据的裁定事项,应当限于商标注册人或者利害关系人申请的范围。
Article 6 When filing the application for pre-trial suspension of an act of infringement of exclusive right to use trademark, the applicant shall provide guaranty. 六、申请人提出诉前停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为的申请时应当提供担保。
Where an applicant’s application for pre-trial evidence preservation is likely to involve property loss to the respondent, the People’s Court may order the applicant to provide corresponding guaranty.   申请人申请诉前保全证据可能涉及被申请人财产损失的,人民法院可以责令申请人提供相应的担保。
Where the guaranty provided by the applicant in the form of pledge, hypothecation or the like, the People’s Court shall give its permission.   申请人提供保证、抵押等形式的担保合理、有效的,人民法院应当准许。
Where the applicant does not provide the guaranty, the application shall be rejected.   申请人不提供担保的,驳回申请。
When determining the scope of the guaranty, the People’s Court shall take account of the income from the sales of the goods in respect of which the relevant act is ordered to be suspended, the appropriated fees for warehousing and care-taking thereof, the reasonable losses likely to be caused by suspending the relevant act, etc..   人民法院确定担保的范围时,应当考虑责令停止有关行为所涉及的商品销售收益,以及合理的仓储、保管等费用,停止有关行为可能造成的合理损失等。
Article 7 Where, in the course of enforcing the adjudication to suspend the relevant act, great injury is likely to be caused to the respondent because of the adoption of the measure, the People’s Court may order the applicant to provide additional guaranty accordingly. Where the applicant fails to do so, the relevant suspension measures may be cancelled. 七、在执行停止有关行为裁定过程中,被申请人可能因采取该项措施造成更大损失的,人民法院可以责令申请人追加相应的担保。申请人不追加担保的,可以解除有关停止措施。
Article 8 The measure adopted in adjudication on suspension of an act of infringement of exclusive right to use trademark shall not be cancelled because of the provision of guaranty by the respondent, except that the applicant otherwise agrees. 八、停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为裁定所采取的措施,不因被申请人提供担保而解除,但申请人同意的除外。
Article 9 Where the application filed by a trademark registrant or an interested party for suspension of an act of infringement of exclusive right to use trademark, after being accepted by the People’s Court, meets the requirement set forth in Article 4 of this Interpretation upon examination, the People’s Court shall make an adjudication in writing within 48 hours; the adjudication ordering the respondent to suspend the act of infringement of exclusive right to use trademark shall be immediately put into enforcement. 九、人民法院接受商标注册人或者利害关系人提出责令停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为的申请后,经审查符合本规定第四条的,应当在四十八小时内作出书面裁定;裁定责令被申请人停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为的,应当立即开始执行。
The People’s Court making the adjudication on suspension of a relevant act shall promptly notify the respondent thereof, no later than the fifth day from the notification.   人民法院作出诉前责令停止有关行为的裁定,应当及时通知被申请人,至迟不得超过五日。
Article 10 Any interested party who is not satisfied with the adjudication on pre-trial suspension of an act of infringement of exclusive right to use trademark may make one application for reconsideration within ten days from the date of receipt of the adjudication. The enforcement of the adjudication shall not be suspended during the reconsideration. 十、当事人对诉前责令停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为裁定不服的,可以在收到裁定之日起十日内申请复议一次。复议期间不停止裁定的执行。
Article 11 The People’s Court shall examine the reconsideration application filed by the interested party as to the following: 十一、人民法院对当事人提出的复议申请应当从以下方面进行审查:
(1) Whether the act the respondent is executing or is going to execute infringes the exclusive right to use the registered trademark involved;   (一) 被申请人正在实施或者即将实施的行为是否侵犯注册商标专用权;
(2) Whether not taking the relevant measure would result in irreparable injury to the legitimate rights and interests of the applicant;   (二) 不采取有关措施,是否会给申请人合法权益造成难以弥补的损害;
(3) Provision by the applicant of the guaranty; and   (三) 申请人提供担保的情况;
(4) Whether ordering the respondent to suspend the relevant act would prejudice the public interests.   (四) 责令被申请人停止有关行为是否损害社会公共利益。
Article 12 Where a trademark registrant or an interested party does not institute legal proceedings within fifteen days after the People’s Court adopts the measure to suspend the relevant act or to preserve evidence, the People’s Court shall cancel the measure adopted pursuant to the adjudication. 十二、商标注册人或者利害关系人在人民法院采取停止有关行为或者保全证据的措施后十五日内不起诉的,人民法院应当解除裁定采取的措施。
Article 13 Where the applicant does not institute legal proceedings or the erroneous application causes injury to the respondent, the respondent may institute legal proceedings in the People’s Court having the jurisdiction, requesting the applicant to make compensation, or requesting for compensation of damages in the proceedings instituted by the trademark registrant or interested party against infringement of the exclusive right to use trademark. The People’s Court may simultaneously handle the matter. 十三、申请人不起诉或者申请错误造成被申请人损失的,被申请人可以向有管辖权的人民法院起诉请求申请人赔偿,也可以在商标注册人或者利害关系人提起的侵犯注册商标专用权的诉讼中提出损害赔偿请求,人民法院可以一并处理。
Article 14 The adjudication on suspension of an act of infringement of the exclusive right to use trademark shall generally remain valid until the date on which the legal instrument of final instance takes effect. 十四、停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为裁定的效力,一般应维持到终审法律文书生效时止。
The People’s Court may also fix a specific time limit for suspending the relevant act according to the circumstances of the case; at the expiration of the time limit, the People’s Court may make adjudication to continue the suspension of the relevant act at the request of, and in line with the provision by the interested party of the additional guaranty.   人民法院也可以根据案情,确定停止有关行为的具体期限;期限届满时,根据当事人的请求及追加担保的情况,可以作出继续停止有关行为的裁定。
Article 15 Any respondent contravenes the People’s Court’s adjudication on the suspension of an act of infringement of the exclusive right to use trademark or on evidence preservation shall be treated pursuant to the provision of Article 102 of the Civil Procedure Law. 十五、被申请人违反人民法院责令停止侵犯注册商标专用权行为或者保全证据裁定的,依照民事诉讼法第一百零二条规定处理。
Article 16 Where a trademark registrant or an interested party requests to first suspend an infringement of the exclusive right to use registered trademark when instituting legal proceedings in the People’s Court against the trademark infringement or in the legal proceedings, the People’s Court may first make the adjudication. The matter provided for in the foregoing relating to the application, evidence submission, determination of guaranty, enforcement of adjudication and reconsideration shall be handled in the light of the provisions of this Judicial Interpretation. 十六、商标注册人或者利害关系人向人民法院提起商标侵权诉讼时或者诉讼中,提出先行停止侵犯注册商标专用权请求的,人民法院可以先行作出裁定。前款规定涉及的有关申请、证据提交、担保的确定、裁定的执行和复议等事项,参照本司法解释有关规定办理。
Article 17 In respect of cases of pre-trial suspension of acts of infringement of the exclusive right to use trademarks and of evidence preservation, the applicants shall pay the fees according to the Methods of the People’s Court for Collecting Litigation Fees and the Supplementary Provisions thereof.








(Promulgated by the Supreme People’s Court on 7 June 2001 and effective as of 1 July 2001.)
颁布日期:20010607  实施日期:20010701  颁布单位:最高人民法院



The following provisions on several questions concerning the application of law to pre-litigation injunctions to cease patent infringements have been formulated pursuant to the relevant provisions of the PRC, Civil Law General Principles, the PRC, Patent Law (the Patent Law) and the PRC, Civil Procedure Law (the Civil Procedure Law), in order to genuinely protect the lawful rights and interests of patentees and other interested parties.

第一条 根据专利法第六十一条的规定,专利权人或者利害关系人可以向人民法院提出诉前责令被申请人停止侵犯专利权行为的申请。

  Article 1 Pursuant to Article 61 of the Patent Law, a patentee or interested party may apply to the people’s court for a pre-litigation injunction against the respondent to cease his patent infringement.

  Interested parties that may apply include licencees under patent licensing contracts, lawful successors to patent property rights, etc. Among licencees under patent licensing contracts, those under exclusive licensing contracts may independently apply to people’s courts whereas those under sole licensing contract may only apply if the patentee does not apply.


    第二条 诉前责令停止侵犯专利权行为的申请,应当向有专利侵权案件管辖权的人民法院提出。

   Article 2 An application for a pre-litigation injunction to cease a patent infringement shall be submitted to a people’s court with jurisdiction over patent infringement cases.


   第三条 专利权人或者利害关系人向人民法院提出申请,应当递交书面申请状;申请状应当载明当事人及其基本情况、申请的具体内容、范围和理由等事项。申请的理由包括有关行为如不及时制止会使申请人合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的具体说明。

  Article 3 A patentee or interested party applying to the people’s court shall submit a written application that shall specify such matters as the parties and their basic details, the specific content and scope of, and reasons for, the application, etc. The reasons for the application shall include a specific description of the damage to his lawful rights and interests that the applicant would incur, and that would be difficult to remedy, if the relevant act were not promptly halted.


    第四条 申请人提出申请时,应当提交下列证据:

  Article 4 When applying, the applicant shall submit the following evidence:

   1. If the applicant is the patentee, he shall submit documentation evidencing the authenticity and validity of his patent rights, including the patent certificate, claims, description and annual patent fee receipts; if the application concerns a utility model, the applicant shall submit the search report issued by the State Council’s patent administration authority.

  2. If the applicant is an interested party, he shall submit the relevant patent licensing contract and the supporting materials placed on the record with the State Council’s patent administration authority; if record filing has not been carried out, the interested party shall provide supporting documentation from the patentee or other evidence attesting that he has the patent rights.

   If the applicant is the licencee under a sole licensing contract and applies independently, he shall submit evidence that the patentee waived his right to apply.

  If the applicant is the successor to patent property rights, he shall submit evidence that he has succeeded or is in the process of succeeding to the rights.

  3. The applicant shall submit evidence that the respondent is infringing or about to infringe upon his patent rights, including the alleged infringing product and documentation comparing the characteristics of the patented technology and the technology of the alleged infringing product.


    第五条 人民法院作出诉前停止侵犯专利权行为的裁定事项,应当限于专利权人或者利害关系人申请的范围。

   Article 5 The matters ruled on by the people’s court in issuing a pre-litigation injunction to cease a patent infringement shall be limited in scope to those for which the patentee or interested party made his application.


   第六条 申请人提出申请时应当提供担保,申请人不提供担保的,驳回申请。

  Article 6 The applicant shall provide security at the time of application. If he fails to provide security, his application shall be dismissed.

  If the security provided in the form of a guarantee, mortgage, etc. by the party is reasonable and valid, the people’s court shall admit the same.

  When determining the scope of the security, the


people’s court shall consider the sales revenue from, and reasonable costs for the storage, custody, etc. of the product concerned that would be involved in the event of issuance of an injunction to cease the relevant act; the losses and such reasonable costs and expenses as the wages of staff and workers that the respondent may incur from ceasing the relevant act; and other factors.


   第七条 在执行停止有关行为裁定过程中,被申请人可能因采取该项措施造成更大损失的,人民法院可以责令申请人追加相应的担保。申请人不追加担保的,解除有关停止措施。

  Article 7 If in the course of enforcement of a ruling to cease the relevant act of infringement the respondent may incur greater losses as a result of such measures, the people’s court may order the applicant to correspondingly increase his security. If the applicant fails to increase his security, the relevant measures taken to enforce cessation of the act shall be lifted.


    第八条 停止侵犯专利权行为裁定所采取的措施,不因被申请人提出反担保而解除。

  Article 8 The measures taken under a ruling to cease a patent infringement are not lifted by the provision of countersecurity by the respondent.


    第九条 人民法院接受专利权人或者利害关系人提出责令停止侵犯专利权行为的申请后,经审查符合本规定第四条的,应当在四十八小时内作出书面裁定;裁定责令被申请人停止侵犯专利权行为的,应当立即开始执行。

  Article 9 The people’s court shall render a written ruling within 48 hours after it receives an application for an injunction to cease a patent infringement submitted by the patentee or an interested party and finds that such application complies with Article 4 hereof. If the ruling orders the respondent to cease the patent infringement, it shall be enforced immediately.

   If the people’s court needs to verify relevant facts during the aforementioned period of time, it may summon one or both parties for an interview, after which it shall render its ruling in a timely manner.

   After ruling to impose a pre-litigation injunction requiring the respondent to cease the relevant act, the people’s court shall notify the respondent in a timely manner and no later than within five days.


    第十条 当事人对裁定不服的,可以在收到裁定之日起十日内申请复议一次。复议期间不停止裁定的执行。

   Article 10 If either party is dissatisfied with the ruling, he may submit a one-time application for review within 10 days of the date of receipt of the ruling. The enforcement of the ruling shall not be suspended during the period of review.


    第十一条 人民法院对当事人提出的复议申请应当从以下方面进行审查:



  Article 11 When examining an application for review submitted by a party, the people’s court shall consider the following:

  1. whether the act effected or about to be effected by the respondent constitutes patent infringement;

   2. whether refraining from taking the relevant measures would cause damage to the lawful rights and interests of the applicant that would be difficult to remedy;

  3. the provision of security by the applicant; and

  4. whether ordering the respondent to cease the relevant act would prejudice the public interest.


    第十二条 专利权人或者利害关系人在人民法院采取停止有关行为的措施后十五日内不起诉的,人民法院解除裁定采取的措施。

   Article 12 If the patentee or interested party fails to institute an action within 15 days after the people’s court has taken measures to halt the relevant act, the people’s court shall lift the measures it ruled be taken.


   第十三条 申请人不起诉或者申请错误造成被申请人损失的,被申请人可以向有管辖权的人民法院起诉请求申请人赔偿,也可以在专利权人或者利害关系人提起的专利权侵权诉讼中提出损害赔偿的请求,人民法院可以一并处理。

  Article 13 If the respondent incurs loss due to the applicant not instituting an action or due to the wrongfulness of the application, the respondent may institute an action with a competent people’s court claiming compensation from the applicant or he may claim damages during the patent right infringement action instituted by the patentee or interested party, in which event the people’s court may handle such claim together with the patent infringement action.


    第十四条 停止侵犯专利权行为裁定的效力,一般应维持到终审法律文书生效时止。人民法院也可以根据案情,确定具体期限;期限届满时,根据当事人的请求仍可作出继续停止有关行为的裁定。

   Article 14 The effect of a ruling ordering the cessation of patent infringement shall in general last until the legal instrument of the court of last instance enters into effect. The people’s court may also determine a specific period of effectiveness in view of the circumstances of the case. At the expiration of such period, a ruling ordering the continued cessation of the relevant act may be rendered on the basis of a petition by a party.


    第十五条 被申请人违反人民法院责令停止有关行为裁定的,依照民事诉讼法第一百零二条规定处理。

  Article 15 If the respondent violates the people’s court’s ruling ordering the cessation of the relevant act, the violation shall be handled in accordance with Article 102 of the Civil Procedure Law.


    第十六条 人民法院执行诉前停止侵犯专利权行为的措施时,可以根据当事人的申请,参照民事诉讼法第七十四条的规定,同时进行证据保全。


Article 16 When enforcing a prelitigation injunction to cease a patent infringement, the people’s court may, based on the application of a party, additionally effect preservation of evidence with reference to Article 74 of the Civil Procedure Law.

  The people’s court may, based on the application of a party, effect preservation of property pursuant to Articles 92 and 93 of the Civil Procedure Law.


   第十七条 专利权人或者利害关系人向人民法院提起专利侵权诉讼时,同时提出先行停止侵犯专利权行为请求的,人民法院可以先行作出裁定。

  Article 17 If the patentee or interested party who institutes a patent infringement action with a people’s court simultaneously files a petition for a preliminary injunction to cease the patent infringement, the people’s court may render a preliminary ruling thereon.


    第十八条 诉前停止侵犯专利权行为的案件,申请人应当按照《人民法院诉讼收费办法》及其补充规定交纳费用。

  Article 18 The applicant in a case involving a pre-litigation injunction to cease a patent infringement shall pay costs in accordance with the Court Costs in People’s Courts Procedures and the supplementary provisions thereto