上海市企业名称登记管理规定 Shanghai Municipality, Administration of Registration of Enterprise Names Provisions
(Adopted at the 20th Session of the Standing Committee of the 12th People‘s Congress of Shanghai Municipality on 16 June 2005 and effective as of 1 September 2005.)
颁布日期:20050616 实施日期:20050901 颁布单位:上海市人大常委会
Article 1 These Provisions have been formulated in accordance with the Administration of Registration of Enterprise Names Provisions and the relevant laws and regulations in light of the specific circumstances of Shanghai in order to standardize the administration of registration of enterprise names, protect the lawful rights and interests of owners of enterprise names and safeguard fair competition.
Article 2 These Provisions apply to the registration of enterprise names and the relevant administration activities within the administrative area of the Municipality.
Article 3 The Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce shall be responsible for verifying and approving enterprise names that commence with the name of the municipal level administrative division; each county branch of the industry and commerce administration shall be responsible for verifying and approving enterprise names that commence with the name of that county‘s administrative division. (The Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce and its county branches are hereafter collectively referred to as the “Registration Authority”)
The Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce may entrust industry and commerce administration branches to handle the acceptance and preliminary examination of the enterprise name applications within their respective jurisdiction.
Article 4 An enterprise name shall be composed of an administrative division indicator, a business name, the industry or business characteristics and the form of organization.
The industry or business characteristics to be described in an enterprise name shall be described on the basis of the main business of the enterprise in accordance with the categories in the State industry classification standard.
If an enterprise has cross-industry business, it shall not be required to describe the industry or business characteristics in its name unless otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations.
Article 5 An enterprise name of which registration is applied for shall be easy to identify and shall not be identical or similar to any enterprise name in the same industry which has been registered with the Registration Authority.
The phrase “identical to any enterprise name” as used in Paragraph One of this Article means that the enterprise name being applied for by the applicant is entirely identical to an enterprise name that has been registered with the Registration Authority.
The phrase “similar to any enterprise name” as used in Paragraph One of this Article means that the enterprise name being applied for by the applicant and an enterprise name that has been registered with the Registration Authority are in any of the following circumstances:
(1) both enterprise names contain an industry description, the business names are identical, the industry descriptions are identical in words, but the forms of organization are different;
(2) both enterprise names contain an industry description, the business names are identical, and the
industry descriptions are identical in meaning but not in words;
(3) both enterprise names contain an industry description, the business names have identical pronunciation and similar characters, and the industry descriptions are identical in words or in meaning;
(4) neither enterprise name contains an industry description, the business names are identical, but the forms of organization are different; or
(5) neither enterprise name contains an industry description, but the business names have identical pronunciation and similar characters.
Article 6 The business name in an enterprise name shall be composed of at least two Chinese characters.
An enterprise name of which registration is applied for shall not contain any contents and words which:
(1) are in contravention of public interests and social ethics;
(2) may mislead the public with respect to the asset relationship of and the industry engaged in by the enterprise;
(3) are easily confused with the names of other legal persons or organizations, thereby misleading the public; or
(4) may otherwise mislead the public.
Article 7 An enterprise name of which registration is applied for shall be approved by the Registration Authority unless under circumstances prohibited by laws or administrative regulations or by Article 5 or Article 6 hereof.
Article 8 To apply for the registration of an enterprise name, the applicant shall submit an application for preliminary approval of enterprise name signed by sponsors or all investors.
If the sponsors or investors designate a representative or entrust an agent to handle the registration of the enterprise name, the document evidencing such designation or commission signed by sponsors or all investors and the identity document of the representative or agent shall also be submitted.
Article 9 The Registration Authority or the industry and commerce administration branch entrusted by the Registration Authority to handle the acceptance and preliminary examination of enterprise name applications shall make its decision as to whether to accept or reject an application pursuant to the following circumstances:
(1) if the application materials are complete and comply with statutory format, or if the applicant has submitted all supplemental and corrected materials as required by the Registration Authority, or if the person authorized to make corrections has rectified the errors in the application materials on the spot, it shall decide to accept the application;
(2) if the application materials are incomplete or do not comply with statutory format, it shall decide not to accept the application and shall notify the applicant on the spot by a single notice of all the contents to be supplemented or corrected.
If the application is submitted through postal mail, facsimile, electronic data interchange or electronic mail, the Registration Authority shall make its decision as to whether to accept or reject the application within five working days of receipt of the application.
Article 10 Where an application for registration of enterprise name is accepted, the Registration Authority shall make its decision to approve or reject it on the spot unless it needs to verify the application materials or hold a hearing as required by these Provisions; where an application for registration of enterprise name is accepted by an industry and commerce administration branch entrusted to handle the preliminary examination of such applications, the Registration Authority shall make its decision to approve or reject it within five working days of acceptance of the application; if the application materials need to be verified, the Registration Authority shall make its decision to approve or reject the application within ten working days of acceptance of the application.
Where an application for registration of enterprise name is accepted through postal mail, facsimile, electronic data interchange or electronic mail, the Registration Authority shall make its decision to approve or reject the application in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.
If the Registration Authority decides to approve an application for registration of enterprise name, it shall issue a Notice of Preliminary Verification and Approval of Enterprise Name; if it decides to reject the application, it shall issue a Notice of Rejection of Enterprise Name and advise the applicant of the reasons for such rejection and the rights of the applicant to institute administrative review or administrative proceedings.
Article 11 If an enterprise changes its name, it shall apply to the Registration Authority for registration of change of enterprise name in accordance with law.
The Registration Authority shall make its decision to approve or reject the applicant‘s application for registration of change of enterprise name in accordance with these Provisions and the provisions of the relevant laws and administrative regulations regarding registration of enterprise names.
Article 12 The name of a branch of an enterprise shall commence with the name of the enterprise to which it attaches.
A branch of an enterprise shall apply for registration of change of branch name within 30 days of approval of the registration of change of the name of the enterprise to which it attaches; if a branch of an enterprise changes its name, it shall apply to the Registration Authority for registration of change of branch name.
Article 13 An enterprise name registered with approval shall become invalid if it is not used in the registration of the establishment of the enterprise by the end of the reservation period prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
Article 14 If a people‘s court adjudicates that an enterprise shall cease to use its registered enterprise name and issues a Notice for Assistance in Execution to the Registration Authority, the Registration Authority shall notify the enterprise of the application for registration of change of enterprise name within three months.
Article 15 If, before the Registration Authority makes a decision on an application for registration of enterprise name, an interested party claims that the enterprise name of which registration is applied for by the applicant is identical or similar to an enterprise name registered by that party and that party requests a hearing, the Registration Authority shall organize a hearing.
The Registration Authority may organize experts, scholars and representatives of the public to participate in the hearing if necessary.
Article 16 If an enterprise fails to apply for registration of change of enterprise name in accordance with Article 14 hereof, the Registration Authority may impose a fine of not less than Rmb 5,000 and not more than Rmb 50,000 against the enterprise.
If an enterprise has other acts in violation of these Provisions, it shall be punished in accordance with the penalty provisions, if any, of the Administration of Registration of Enterprise Names Provisions and other relevant laws and regulations.
Article 17 The registration of the names of individual industry and commerce businesses of the Municipality shall be handled by reference to these Provisions.
Article 18 These Provisions shall be implemented as of 1 September 2005.
第一条 为了规范企业名称的登记注册管理,保护企业名称所有人的合法权益,维护公平竞争秩序,根据《企业名称登记管理规定》等法律、行政法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本规定。
第二条 本规定适用于本市行政区域内企业名称的登记注册以及相关的管理活动。
第三条 上海市工商行政管理局负责冠有市级行政区划名的企业名称的核准;县工商分局负责冠有该县行政区划名的企业名称的核准。(上海市工商行政管理局和县工商分局,以下统称“登记机关”。)
第四条 企业名称由行政区划、字号、行业或者经营特点、组织形式组成。
第五条 申请登记注册的企业名称应当便于识别,不得与已在登记机关登记注册的同行业企业名称相同或者近似。
第六条 企业名称中的字号,应当由两个以上的汉字组成。
第七条 申请登记注册的企业名称除有法律、行政法规以及本规定第五条、第六条禁止的情形外,登记机关应当予以核准。
第八条 申请企业名称登记,申请人应当提交由发起人或者全体投资人签署的企业名称预先核准申请书。
第九条 登记机关或者接受登记机关委托办理企业名称申请受理和初审的工商分局,对申请人提出的企业名称登记注册申请,应当根据下列情形分别作出是否受理的决定:
第十条 对受理的企业名称登记注册申请,除需要对申请材料进行核实,或者按照本规定需要举行听证的情况外,登记机关应当当场作出核准或者驳回的决定;对接受委托初审的各工商分局受理的企业名称登记注册申请,登记机关应当自受理之日起五个工作日内作出核准或者驳回的决定;需要对申请材料进行核实的,登记机关应当自受理之日起十个工作日内作出核准或者驳回的决定。
第十一条 企业变更名称应当依法向登记机关申请企业名称变更登记。
第十二条 企业分支机构的名称应当冠以其所从属企业的名称。
第十三条 核准登记注册的企业名称在法律、行政法规规定的保留期届满后尚未用于企业设立登记的,该名称自动失效。
第十四条 人民法院判决企业停止使用登记注册的企业名称,并向登记机关发出《协助执行通知书》的,登记机关应当通知该企业在三个月内申请办理企业名称变更登记。
第十五条 登记机关对企业名称登记注册申请作出决定之前,利害关系人认为申请人申请登记注册的企业名称与其已经登记注册的企业名称相同或者近似,并提出听证申请的,登记机关应当组织听证。
第十六条 企业未按照本规定第十四条申请办理企业名称变更登记的,登记机关可以对该企业处以五千元以上五万元以下的罚款。
第十七条 本市个体工商户的名称登记,参照本规定执行。
第十八条 本规定自2005年9月1日起施行。