Measures for The Implementation of Administration of Enterprise Name Registration
(December 8, 1999 State Administration for Industry and orders No. 93 published on June 14, 2004 State Administration for Industry and orders Amendment No. 10)
第一章 总则
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为了加强和完善企业名称的登记管理,保护企业名称所有人的合法权益,维护公平竞争秩序,根据《企业名称登记管理规定》和有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
The first in order to strengthen and improve the business name registration management, protection of the corporate name of all the legitimate rights and interests and safeguard fair competition order, according to the Name Registration and the relevant laws and administrative regulations, the development of this approach.
第二条 本办法适用于工商行政管理机关登记注册的企业法人和不具有法人资格的企业的名称。The second article of this approach applied to industrial and commercial administrative organs of the registration of legal persons and enterprises do not have the legal personality of the name of the enterprise.
第三条 企业应当依法选择自己的名称,并申请登记注册。企业自成立之日起享有名称权。
The third business should be in accordance with the law to choose their own name and apply for registration. Since the establishment of the enterprise from the date of the enjoyment of the right to the name.
第四条 各级工商行政管理机关应当依法核准登记企业名称。Article IV administrations of industry and commerce at all levels in accordance with the law should be approved by the name of the registered enterprises
Approval authority over the business name should be corrected.
第五条 工商行政管理机关对企业名称实行分级登记管理。国家工商行政管理总局主管全国企业名称登记管理工作,并负责核准下列企业名称:
(一)冠以“中国”、“中华”、“全国”、“国家”、“国际”等字样的;Article V of the administrations of industry and business name registration of the different levels of management. State Administration for Industry and head of the national management of the enterprise name registration, and is responsible for the approval of the following companies:
(二)在名称中间使用“中国”、“中华”、“全国”、 “国家”等字样的;(B) in the middle of the use of the name China and Chinese and national and national and other words;
(三)不含行政区划的。 (C) the non-administrative division.
地方工商行政管理局负责核准前款规定以外的下列企业名称:Local administration for industry and commerce than in the preceding paragraph shall be responsible for the approval of the following companies:
(一)冠以同级行政区划的; (A) called at the same level of the administrative division;
(二)符合本办法第十二条的含有同级行政区划的。(B) of this approach in line with Article XII contains the same level of administrative divisions.
国家工商行政管理总局授予外商投资企业核准登记权的工商行政管理局按本办法核准外商投资企业名称。State Administration for Industry and grant foreign-invested enterprises approved by the Registration Administration for Industry and the right approach to this foreign-invested enterprises approved by the name.
第二章 企业名称 Chapter Name
第六条 企业法人名称中不得含有其他法人的名称,国家工商行政管理总局另有规定的除外。Article VI of the corporate name must not contain the name of the other body, the State Administration for Industry and unless otherwise stipulated.
第七条 企业名称中不得含有另一个企业名称。Article VII of the corporate name must not contain the name of another business.
企业分支机构名称应当冠以其所从属企业的名称。Corporate name of the branch should be known as the name of its subordinate enterprises.
第八条 企业名称应当使用符合国家规范的汉字,不得使用汉语拼音字母、阿拉伯数字。Article VIII of the corporate name should be in line with national norms in the use of Chinese characters, Chinese phonetic alphabet should not be used, Arabic numerals.
企业名称需译成外文使用的,由企业依据文字翻译原则自行翻译使用,不需报工商行政管理机关核准登记。Corporate name to be translated into foreign languages used by enterprises based on the principle of self-text translation translation, reported that industrial and commercial administrative organs without approval of the registration
第九条 企业名称应当由行政区划、字号、行业、组织形式依次组成,法律、行政法规和本办法另有规定的除外。Article 9 of the enterprise should be the name of administrative division, size, industry, followed by organizational forms, laws and administrative regulations in this way, and unless otherwise stipulated.
第十条 除国务院决定设立的企业外,企业名称不得冠以“中国”、“中华”、“全国”、“国家”、“国际”等字样。In addition to the 10th article of the State Council decided to set up businesses, companies can not name the word China and Chinese and national and national and international.
在企业名称中间使用“中国”、“中华”、“全国”、“国家”、“国际”等字样的,该字样应是行业的限定语。Enterprises in the middle of the use of the name of China and Chinese and national and national and international and other words, the words should be the industry’s qualifier.
使用外国(地区)出资企业字号的外商独资企业、外方控股的外商投资企业,可以在名称中间使用“(中国)”字样。The use of foreign (regional) enterprises funded number of wholly foreign-owned enterprises, foreign holdings of foreign-invested enterprises, can use the middle name (China).
第十一条 企业名称中的行政区划是本企业所在地县级以上行政区划的名称或地名。
Article 11 of the enterprises in the name of the administrative divisions of the enterprise is the seat of the administrative divisions above the county level or the name of the place names.
The name of the city area can not be used as a separate enterprise in the name of the administrative division. City area with the name of the city administrative divisions of the business combination name, approved by the Administration for Industry and Commerce.
Provincial, city and county administrative divisions of the business name of the MS, from the highest level of the SAR Administration for Industry and Commerce approved.
第十二条 具备下列条件的企业法人,可以将名称中的行政区划放在字号之后,组织形式之前:Article XII of the following conditions of the corporate enterprise, will be in the name of the administrative divisions on the size, form of organization before:
(一)使用控股企业名称中的字号;(A) the use of holding companies in the name of the name;
(二)该控股企业的名称不含行政区划。(B) the holding company does not contain the name of the administrative divisions.
第十三条 经国家工商行政管理总局核准,符合下列条件之一的企业法人,可以使用不含行政区划的企业名称:Article XIII by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce approved the following conditions are met, one of the corporate enterprise, you can use non-administrative divisions of the enterprise:
(一)国务院批准的;(A) the approval of the State Council;
(二)国家工商行政管理总局登记注册的;(B) of the State Administration for Industry and registered;
(三)注册资本(或注册资金)不少于5000万元人民币的;(C) of registered capital (or capital) of not less than 50,000,000 yuan;
(四)国家工商行政管理总局另有规定的。(D) of the State Administration for Industry and other provisions.
第十四条 企业名称中的字号应当由2个以上的字组成。Article XIV of the corporate name should be established by 2 or more words.
行政区划不得用作字号,但县以上行政区划的地名具有其他含义的除外。Name not be used for administrative divisions, but the administrative divisions above the county level have the names of the other meaning of the exception.
第十五条 企业名称可以使用自然人投资人的姓名作字号。Article XV enterprises can use the name of the natural investment for the names of famous people.
第十六条 企业名称中的行业表述应当是反映企业经济活动性质所属国民经济行业或者企业经营特点的用语。The 16th article in the name of the business sector should be looking statements to reflect the nature of their business activities in the economic sectors of the national economy or business features of the language.
企业名称中行业用语表述的内容应当与企业经营范围一致。Name the industry in terms of the content of the statements should be consistent with the scope of the business.
第十七条 企业经济活动性质分别属于国民经济行业不同大类的,应当选择主要经济活动性质所属国民经济行业类别用语表述企业名称中的行业。
Article XVII enterprises belong to the nature of economic activities in different sectors of the national economy of the categories should choose the nature of their activities in major economic sectors in terms of the national economy expressed in the name of the enterprise sector.
第十八条 企业名称中不使用国民经济行业类别用语表述企业所从事行业的,应当符合以下条件:The 18th article in the name of the business sectors of the national economy does not use the term corporate statements for the jobs they should be subject to the following conditions:
(一)企业经济活动性质分别属于国民经济行业5个以上大类;(A) the nature of corporate economic activities belong to the national economy more than 5 industry categories;
(二)企业注册资本(或注册资金)1亿元以上或者是企业集团的母公司;(B) the registered capital of the enterprise (or a registered capital of) 1 billion or enterprise groups, the parent company;
(三)与同一工商行政管理机关核准或者登记注册的企业名称中字号不相同。(C) the same with the approval of the industrial and commercial administrative organs or enterprises registered in the name of different size.
第十九条 企业为反映其经营特点,可以在名称中的字号之后使用国家(地区)名称或者县级以上行政区划的地名。The 19th article of its business to reflect the operating characteristics of the name can be used after the name of the country (region) or the name of the administrative divisions above the county level names.
上述地名不视为企业名称中的行政区划。The above names are not as a corporate name in the administrative divisions.
第二十条 企业名称不应当明示或者暗示有超越其经营范围的业务。Article 20 The business name should not express or imply that there is beyond the scope of their business operations.
第三章 企业名称的登记注册
Chapter III of the enterprise name registration
第二十一条 企业营业执照上只准标明一个企业名称。Article XXI enterprise business license, marking only the name of a business
第二十二条 设立公司应当申请名称预先核准。Twenty should be set up to apply for pre-approved names.
法律、行政法规规定设立企业必须报经审批或者企业经营范围中有法律、行政法规规定必须报经审批项目的,应当在报送审批前办理企业名称预先核准,并以工 商行政管理机关核准的企业名称报送审批。Laws and administrative regulations provides for the establishment of enterprises must be reported to the approval or the scope of business in the laws and administrative regulations must be reported to the approval of the project, should be submitted for approval before the name of the pre-approved enterprises, and industrial and commercial administrative organs of the approved enterprise Name submitted for approval.
设立其他企业可以申请名称预先核准。The establishment of other enterprises can apply for pre-approved names.
第二十三条 申请企业名称预先核准,应当由全体出资人、合伙人、合作者(以下统称投资人)指定的代表或者委托的代理人,向有名称核准管辖权的工商行政 管理机关提交企业名称预先核准申请书。Article twenty-name companies to apply for pre-approved, it should be borne by all investors, partners, collaborators (referred to collectively as investors) or the designated representative of the commission’s agent, to approve the name of the jurisdiction of the industrial and commercial administrative organs to submit names Pre-approved applications.
企业名称预先核准申请书应当载明企业的名称(可以载明备选名称)、住所、注册资本、经营范围、投资人名称或者姓名、投资额和投资比例、授权委托意见 (指定的代表或者委托的代理人姓名、权限和期限),并由全体投资人签名盖章。Name pre-approved application shall set forth the name of the enterprise (name alternatives can be set), shelter, the registered capital, business scope, the name or names of the investors, investment and the ratio of investment to empower the commission views (or the designated representative of the commission The name of the agent, authority and duration) by all investors signed and sealed.
企业名称预先核准申请书上应当粘贴指定的代表或者委托的代理人身份证复印件。Name the application should be approved in advance paste designated representatives or agents of the commission copies of the ID card.
第二十四条 直接到工商行政管理机关办理企业名称预先核准的,工商行政管理机关应当场对申请预先核准的企业名称作出核准或者驳回的决定。予以核准的,发给《企业名称预先核准通知书》;予以驳回的,发给《企业名称驳回通知书》。
The 24th article directly to industrial and commercial administrative organs for pre-approved by the name of the enterprise, industrial and commercial administration authorities should pre-market approval application for the name of the business to make a decision approved or rejected. The approval, granted approved in advance notice of the name of business; be dismissed, sent to the name of the enterprise dismissed the notice.
通过邮寄、传真、电子数据交换等方式申请企业名称预先核准的,按照《企业登记程序规定》执行。By mail, fax, electronic data interchange, and other enterprise applications for pre-approved name, in accordance with the business registration procedures to implement.
第二十五条 申请企业设立登记,已办理企业名称预先核准的,应当提交《企业名称预先核准通知书》。Be the 25th to set up enterprises to apply for registration for corporate name has been pre-approved, should be submitted to the pre-approved by the corporate name of the notice.
设立企业名称涉及法律、行政法规规定必须报经审批,未能提交审批文件的,登记机关不得以预先核准的企业名称登记注册。Enterprises involved in the name of the establishment of laws and administrative regulations must be reported to the examination and approval, failed to submit documents for approval, registration office shall not pre-approved by the name of the registered enterprises.
企业名称预先核准与企业登记注册不在同一工商行政管理机关办理的,登记机关应当自企业登记注册之日起30日内,将有关登记情况送核准企业名称的工商行 政管理机关备案。Corporate name with the approval of the pre-registered enterprises are not the same for the industrial and commercial administrative organs, organs should be registered Self-registered enterprises within 30 days, will be sent to the relevant registration of the name of the enterprise approved by the industrial and commercial administrative organs for the record.
第二十六条 企业变更名称,应当向其登记机关申请变更登记。26th corporate name change should be to change the registry office to apply for registration.
企业申请变更的名称,属登记机关管辖的,由登记机关直接办理变更登记。Enterprise application to change the name of the registry office under the jurisdiction of the case by the registration office to register directly for change.
企业申请变更的名称,不属登记机关管辖的,按本办法第二十七条规定办理。Enterprise application to change the name, not under the jurisdiction of the registry office, according to the 27th article of the way provisions.
企业名称变更登记核准之日起30日内,企业应当申请办理其分支机构名称的变更登记。Name change approved by the Register within 30 days, enterprises should apply for a branch of its name changes to the registry.
第二十七条 申请企业名称变更登记,企业登记和企业名称核准不在同一工商行政管理机关的,企业登记机关应当对企业拟变更的名称进行初审,并向有名称管 辖权的工商行政管理机关报送企业名称变更核准意见书。Be the 27th corporate name change to apply for registration, registration of enterprises and enterprises of the same name is not approved by the administrations of industry and commerce, business-to-business registration office should be to change the name of First Instance to have the name of the jurisdiction of the Administration for Industry and Commerce submitted to the authorities Name change approved by the submissions.
企业名称变更核准意见书上应当载明原企业名称、拟变更的企业名称(备选名称)、住所、注册资本、经营范围、投资人名称或者姓名、企业登记机关的审查意 见,并加盖公章。有名称管辖权的工商行政管理机关收到企业名称变更核准意见书后,应在5日内作出核准或驳回的决定,核准的,发给《企业名称变更核准通知 书》;驳回的,发给《企业名称驳回通知书》。 Name change approved by the submissions should contain the original name of the business, to change the name of the enterprise (name alternatives), shelter, the registered capital, business scope, the name or names of the investors, business registration office review, and official seals. There is the name of the jurisdiction of the industrial and commercial administrative organs received written approval of the corporate name change, should be made 5 days to approve or reject the decision, approved, sent to change the corporate name of the approval notice; dismissed, sent to business Dismissed the notice of the name.
登记机关应当在核准企业名称变更登记之日起30日内,将有关登记情况送核准企业名称的工商行政管理机关备案。Registration office should be approved by the corporate name change to register within 30 days, will be sent to the relevant registration of the name of the enterprise approved by the industrial and commercial administrative organs for the record.
第二十八条 公司名称预先核准和公司名称变更核准的有效期为6个月,有效期满,核准的名称自动失效。Be the 28th company name in advance and approved the name change approved by the company are valid for 6 months, expired, approved the name expire automatically.
第二十九条 企业被撤销有关业务经营权,而其名称又表明了该项业务时,企业应当在被撤销该项业务经营权之日起1个月内,向登记机关申请变更企业名称等 登记事项。Article 29th revoked the right to operate the business, and its name also shows the business enterprise should be revoked the right to operate the business from the date of one month to apply for registration office to change the corporate name registration, and so on Matter.
第三十条 企业办理注销登记或者被吊销营业执照,如其名称是经其他工商行政管理机关核准的,登记机关应当将核准注销登记情况或者行政处罚决定书送核准 该企业名称的工商行政管理机关备案。Article 30th for the registration or cancellation of business license was revoked, as it is the name of the other approved by the industrial and commercial administrative organs, organs of the registration should be approved by the cancellation of registration or administrative penalties to send a written decision on the approval of the name of the business of industrial and commercial administrative organs for the record.
第三十一条 企业名称有下列情形之一的,不予核准:Article 31 of the corporate name of one of the following situations, not approved:
(一)与同一工商行政管理机关核准或者登记注册的同行业企业名称字号相同,有投资关系的除外;(A) the same with the approval of the industrial and commercial administrative organs or registered with the trade name of the business the same size, with the exception of investment relations;
(二)与同一工商行政管理机关核准或者登记注册符合本办法第十八条的企业名称字号相同,有投资关系的除外;(B) the same with the approval of the industrial and commercial administrative organs or registered with the approach of the 18th article of the corporate name of the same name, with the exception of investment relations;
(三)与其他企业变更名称未满1年的原名称相同;(C) and other enterprises to change the name of less than one year, the same as the original name;
(四)与注销登记或者被吊销营业执照未满3年的企业名称相同;(D) and the cancellation of the registration or cancellation of business license under the age of 3 years of the same name of the enterprise;
(五)其他违反法律、行政法规的。(E) other violations of laws and administrative regulations.
第三十二条 工商行政管理机关应当建立企业名称核准登记档案。Thirty industrial and commercial administrative organs should be the establishment of enterprises approved to register the name of the file.
第三十三条 《企业名称预先核准通知书》、《企业名称变更核准通知书》、《企业名称驳回通知书》及企业名称核准登记表格式样由国家工商行政管理总局统 一制定。33rd pre-approved by the corporate name of the notice, and corporate name change approved by the notice, and enterprise dismissed the notice of the name of corporate name and registration forms approved by the style State Administration for Industry and the development of uniform.
第三十四条 外国(地区)企业名称,依据我国参加的国际公约、协定、条约等有关规定予以保护。The 34th article of foreign (regional) business name, according to China’s participation in international conventions, agreements, the relevant provisions of the treaty, and so on to protect.
第四章 企业名称的使用 Chapter IV of the use of the name of the enterprise
第三十五条 预先核准的企业名称在有效期内,不得用于经营活动,不得转让。The 35th article of the pre-approved enterprises in the name of the life, shall not be used for operating activities, non-transferable.
企业变更名称,在其登记机关核准变更登记前,不得使用《企业名称变更核准通知书》上核准变更的企业名称从事经营活动,也不得转让。Corporate name change, approved by the authorities to change their registration before the registration, should not be used approved by the corporate name change notice on the corporate name change approved to engage in business activities, but also non-transferable.
第三十六条 企业应当在住所处标明企业名称。Enterprises should be the 36th in his home Department indicate the name of business.
第三十七条 企业的印章、银行账户、信笺所使用的企业名称,应当与其营业执照上的企业名称相同。The 37th Article of the seal, bank accounts, the letterhead used by the name of the enterprise, its business license should be on the same corporate name.
第三十八条 法律文书使用企业名称,应当与该企业营业执照上的企业名称相同。The 38th article of legal instruments to use corporate names, and should be the business of the enterprise business license on the same name.
第三十九条 企业使用名称,应当遵循诚实信用的原则。
Article 39th enterprises to use the name, should follow the principle of good faith.
第五章 监督管理与争议处理
Chapter supervision and management to deal with disputes
第四十条 各级工商行政管理机关对在本机关管辖地域内从事活动的企业使用企业名称的行为,依法进行监督管理。The 40th article of the industrial and commercial administrative organs at all levels in the body of the jurisdiction of the region to engage in business activities using the name of the business, supervision and management in accordance with the law.
第四十一条 已经登记注册的企业名称,在使用中对公众造成欺骗或者误解的,或者损害他人合法权益的,应当认定为不适宜的企业名称予以纠正。 Article 41 has been registered in the name of enterprises, in use to deceive the public or misunderstood, or harm another person’s legitimate rights and interests should be identified as not suitable for the business name be corrected.
第四十二条 企业因名称与他人发生争议,可以向工商行政管理机关申请处理,也可以向人民法院起诉。The 42nd as a result of corporate name dispute with another person, you can apply to the industrial and commercial administrative organs to deal with, or to the people’s court.
第四十三条 企业请求工商行政管理机关处理名称争议时,应当向核准他人名称的工商行政管理机关提交以下材料:Article request the 43rd industrial and commercial administrative organs to deal with the name of the dispute, to be approved by the name of another person’s industrial and commercial administrative organs to submit the following materials:
(一)申请书;(A) application;
(二)申请人的资格证明;(B) the applicant’s qualifications;
(三)举证材料;(C) proof material;
(四)其他有关材料。(D) other related materials.
申请书应当由申请人签署并载明申请人和被申请人的情况、名称争议事实及理由、请求事项等内容。Application should be signed by the applicant and shall record the applicant and the applicant’s case, the facts and reasons for the name of the dispute, the matter of the request and so on.
委托代理的,还应当提交委托书和被委托人资格证明。The agency should also be submitted to the power of attorney and client qualifications
第四十四条 工商行政管理机关受理企业名称争议后,应当按以下程序在6个月内作出处理:The 44th article of industrial and commercial administration authorities accept corporate name after the controversy, according to the following procedure should be within six months to deal with:
(一)查证申请人和被申请人企业名称登记注册的情况;(A) to verify the applicant and the applicant companies registered in the name of the case;
(二)调查核实申请人提交的材料和有关争议的情况;(B) investigation to verify the applicant to submit relevant materials and the controversial circumstances;
(三)将有关名称争议情况书面告知被申请人,要求被申请人在1个月内对争议问题提交书面意见;(C) the name of the controversy about the situation in writing inform the applicant has been requested by the applicant within a month on the controversial issue of written submissions;
(四)依据保护工业产权的原则和企业名称登记管理的有关规定作出处理。(D) based on the principle of the protection of industrial property and business name registration with the relevant provisions of the management to deal with
第六章 附则
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
第四十五条 以下需在工商行政管理机关办理登记的名称,参照《企业名称登记管理规定》和本办法办理:Following is a need to be the 45th in the industrial and commercial administration authorities for registration of the name, in the light of the Name Registration and for this approach:
(一)企业集团的名称,其构成为:行政区划+字号+行业+“集团” 字样;(A) the name of the enterprise groups, which constitute: administrative division name + + + industry, the Group;
(二)其他按规定需在工商行政管理机关办理登记的组织的名称。(B) Other required to be in the industrial and commercial administration authorities for registration of the name of the organization.
第四十六条 企业名称预先核准申请书和企业名称变更核准意见书由国家工商行政管理总局统一制发标准格式文本,各地工商行政管理机关按照标准格式文本印制。
Name the 46th be pre-approved applications and business name change approved by the submission by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce issued a unified standard text format, all over the industrial and commercial administrative organs in accordance with the standard text format printing.
第四十七条 本办法自2004年7月1日起施行。
These measures 47th July 1, 2004 will come into effect.
国家工商行政管理局《关于贯彻〈企业名称登记管理规定〉有关问题的通知》(工商企字[1991]第309号)、《关于执行〈企业名称登记管理规定〉有 关问题的补充通知》《工商企字[1992]第283号》、《关于外商投资企业名称登记管理有关问题的通知》(工商企字[1993]第152号)同时废止。 State Administration for Industry and Commerce on the implementation of the <name of the business registration regulations> the issue of notice (industrial and commercial enterprises word [1991] No. 309), on the implementation of the <name of the business registration regulations> to add the issue of the notice, Trade and Industry Word rate [1992] No. 283 , on the foreign-invested enterprises to register the name of the management issues related to notice (industrial and commercial enterprises word [1993] No. 152) abolished at the same time.
国家工商行政管理总局其他文件中有关企业名称的规定,与《企业名称登记管理规定》和本办法抵触的,同时失效。State Administration for Industry and other documents relating to the business name, and Name Registration and the inconsistent way, at the same time lapse.