【内容摘要】在当前我国的著作权法中,不仅内容违法的作品,而且程序上违法的作品都不被授予著作权,并且程序与内容之间存在相互影响的关系。尽管“违法作品即无著作权”在现行国内法层面具有合法性,但在国际著作权法层面却无法获得正当性,并导致了超国民待遇的产生。通过“三步测试法”对“内容违法即无著作权”的规则予以衡量后,可以发现问题的关键是:并非不能在立法中否定内容违法的作品的著作权,而是需要通过各种手段明确内容违法的范围,使其符合 TRIPS 协定第 13 条中“特定的特殊情形”的要求。在此基础上,有必要探索出一套既符合国际公约,又有益于国内法治发展的制度改革方案。
【关键词】 违法作品 著作权 TRIPS 协定 三步测试法 实证法
DONG Hao, GU Minkang: Illegal Works in the Context of Chinese Copyright System
Published in Chinese core journal: Fa Xue (Legal Science), Issue 3, 2009, pp. 75-83.
Abstract: This article reviews the copyright dilemma of illegal works in the context of Chinese copyright system. Under the current law, not merely the works with unlawful content, but also the works did not follow the censorship procedure will be exclude the copyright protection. As to the works that violated procedure law, they can find their legality in the domestic level, but they will be confront with the challenge of international copyright, and this will lead to the super-national treatment. As to the works with unlawful content, by examining them with the "three-step test", this article find the key problem lies not in the legislation of denying the copyright of those works, but in the clarification of the scope of those works within "certain special cases".
Keywords: Illegal Works, Copyright, TRIPS, Three-Step Test, Positive Law
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