本日志为WTO争端解决案件 《DS363 中国 – 关于影响贸易权利的措施和影响若干出版物及娱乐音像产品的分销服务的措施》 的中英文信息汇总。专家组报告(点此)于2009年8月12日公布,WTO上诉机构的最终裁决也已于2009年12月21日作出(点此查看).请收藏本页或订阅法豆获取最新资讯。
This is a collection of the materials on WT/DS363: Measures Affecting Trading Rights and Distribution Services for Certain Publications and Audiovisual Entertainment Products The Panel Report has been published on 12 Aug. 2009.
China appeals the case to the the Appellate Body. The Appellate Body Report was issued on 21 December 2009. please Bookmark this page or subscribe BLawgDog for update.
English Materials:
- Search DS363 at BLawgDog’s unique IP Blog Search Engine
- China Appeals WTO DS363 About Market Access of Copyrighted Goods
- Panel issues report on US-China dispute over publications and audiovisual products (update on Aug 12, 2009 )
- WTO Official Case Homepage
- WTO Case Material Database, by Taiwan WTO Center.
- USTR Official Documents
Europe as the third party:
- Reply of the European Communities to Third Party Questions on WT/DS363, 4 August 2008.
- European Communities’ Third Party oral Statement by the European Communities As Delivered, 23 July 2008.
- Communication from the Chairman of the Panel, 26/02/2009.
- Third party written submission by the European Communities, 04/07/2008.
Australia as the third party:
- Australian Responses to Panel Questions to Third Parties, 11 August 2008.
- – Other Australian Official information on the DS363.
- 请点这里在知识产权博客定向搜索引擎中检索关于DS363的文章
- 090815 Update:中国在WTO DS363中被判定违反WTO义务的法规总结
- DS363 即时新闻(中文)
- 法豆站内相关文章汇总:
美中WTO知识产权争端的进展 [ 日期: 06/09/2007 02:55:28]
美国:“小两口一起耍我?”——关于台湾抵制张月姣任WTO法官的胡诌 [ 日期: 28/11/2007 06:49:44]
美中两项WTO知识产权纠纷均进入调查阶段 [ 日期: 01/12/2007]
Lecture – WTO IP Disputes – US v China DS362 DS363 [ 日期: 08/01/2009]
美国2009年度特别301报告 [ 日期: 02/05/2009] - 美国提出之DS363磋商请求之中文译本(美国驻华大使馆)
- 台湾经济部贸易代表谈判办公室:《美国控中国影响出版品及其它视听产品之贸易权与配销服务案(WT/DS363)案情摘要》,2007年11月9日。
- 广东WTO/TBT预警信息平台:《WTO争端解决小组预计5月宣布中国限制视听服务进口案之裁决》,2009年4月10日。
- 《WTO爭端解決小組初步裁決支持美國對中國大陸限制視聽服務進口案之控訴》,2009.4.21 WTO Reporter
- Chad P. Bown, China’s WTO Entry: Antidumping, Safeguards, and Dispute Settlement, December 2008.
- Chao Zhou, Intellectual Property Game between China and USA: A Law and Economic Analysis of the WTO Case, SSRN.
- Donald P. Harris, The Honeymoon is Over: Evaluating the United States’ WTO Intellectual Property Complaint Against China, SSRN.
- J. P. Singh, Tania Voon, Cultural Products and the World Trade organization.
- Lanye Zhu and Jiarui Liu, Sino-US intellectual property dispute: a new chapter in WTO history, Jnl of Intellectual Property Law & Pract.
- Peter Yu, From Pirates to Partners (Episode II): Protecting Intellectual Property in Post-WTO China, SSRN
- 莫世健:《扩大进口和加强国内产业安全平衡的思考》,2007-7-25。
- 纪文华:《2007年WTO争端解决活动及中国参与情况述评》,《国际经济法学刊》2008年第2期。