Administrative Protection of Copyright on the Internet
Promulgated by the National Copyright Administration and the Ministry of Information Industry on 29 April 2005 and effective as of 30 May 2005 (Order No. 5, 2005).
Article 1 These Procedures have been formulated in accordance with the PRC, Copyright Law and the relevant laws and administrative regulations in order to strengthen the administrative protection of the right of transmission on information networks in internet information services and to standardize administrative enforcement acts.
第一条 为了加强互联网信息服务活动中信息网络传播权的行政保护,规范行政执法行为,根据《中华人民共和国著作权法》及有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Procedures shall apply to functions such as uploading, storing, linking or searching of the contents of works or audio and video products that are provided automatically on the internet in internet information services according to the commands of an internet content provider, without any editing, revision or selection of the stored or transmitted contents.
Where internet contents are directly provided in internet information services, the Copyright Law shall apply.
For the purposes of these Procedures, an “internet content provider” is an online user that publishes the relevant contents on the internet.
第二条 本办法适用于互联网信息服务活动中根据互联网内容提供者的指令,通过互联网自动提供作品、录音录像制品等内容的上载、存储、链接或搜索等功能,且对存储或传输的内容不进行任何编辑、修改或选择的行为。
Article 3 Copyright administrative departments at all levels shall carry out administrative protection of the right of transmission on information networks in internet information services in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and these Procedures. The State Council department in charge of information industry and the telecommunications administrative authorities of each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the central government shall cooperate with such work in accordance with the law.
第三条 各级著作权行政管理部门依照法律、行政法规和本办法对互联网信息服务活动中的信息网络传播权实施行政保护。国务院信息产业主管部门和各省、自治区、直辖市电信管理机构依法配合相关工作。
Article 4 The administrative penalties imposed by copyright administrative departments for infringement of the right of transmission on information networks in internet information services shall be governed by the Administrative Penalties in Connection with Copyright Implementing Procedures.
Infringement of the right of transmission on information networks in internet information services shall be governed by the copyright administrative department at the place of infringement. Places of infringement shall include the place in which equipment such as servers used to provide the internet information services specified in Article 2 hereof is located.
第四条 著作权行政管理部门对侵犯互联网信息服务活动中的信息网络传播权的行为实施行政处罚,适用《著作权行政处罚实施办法》。
侵犯互联网信息服务活动中的信息网络传播权的行为由侵权行为实施地的著作权行政管理部门管辖。侵权行为实施地包括提供本办法第二条所列的互联网信息服务活 动的服务器等设备所在地。
Article 5 If a copyright holder discovers that his copyright is infringed by content disseminated on the internet and issues a notice to the internet content provider or any other institution it entrusts (hereafter collectively referred to as the “internet information service provider”), the internet information service provider shall immediately take actions to remove the relevant content and keep the notice of the copyright holder for six months.
第五条 著作权人发现互联网传播的内容侵犯其著作权,向互联网信息服务提供者或者其委托的其他机构(以下统称“互联网信息服务提供者”)发出通知后,互联网信息服务提供者应当立即采取措施移除相关内容,并保留著作权人的通知6个月。
Article 6 Upon receipt of the notice of the copyright holder, the internet information service provider shall record the content of the information provided and the time of publication, and the internet address or domain name used for publishing such information. The internet access service provider shall record the information of the internet content provider such as the access time, user account, internet address or domain name and the calling telephone number.
The record referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be kept for 60 days and shall be provided upon inquiry by the copyright administrative department.
第六条 互联网信息服务提供者收到著作权人的通知后,应当记录提供的信息内容及其发布的时间、互联网地址或者域名。互联网接入服务提供者应当记录互联网内容提供者 的接入时间、用户帐号、互联网地址或者域名、主叫电话号码等信息。
Article 7 If the internet information service provider removes the relevant content pursuant to the notice of the copyright holder, the internet content provider may issue to both the internet information service provider and the copyright holder a counter notice stating that the removed content does not infringe the copyright. Upon the issuance of such counter notice, the internet information service provider may immediately restore the removed content without administrative or legal liability for such restoration.
第七条 互联网信息服务提供者根据著作权人的通知移除相关内容的,互联网内容提供者可以向互联网信息服务提供者和著作权人一并发出说明被移除内容不侵犯著作权的反通知。反通知发出后,互联网信息服务提供者即可恢复被移除的内容,且对该恢复行为不承担行政法律责任。
Article 8 The notice of the copyright holder shall include the following contents:
1. proof of ownership to the copyright being infringed by the allegedly infringing content;
2. clear identity proof, address and contact details;
3. location of the allegedly infringing content on the information network;
4. relevant evidence of the infringement upon the copyright; and
5. declaration of truthfulness of the contents of the notice.
第八条 著作权人的通知应当包含以下内容:
Article 9 The counter notice of the internet content provider shall include the following contents:
1. clear identity proof, address and contact details;
2. proof of legitimacy of the removed content;
3. location of the removed content on the internet; and
4. declaration of truthfulness of the contents of the counter notice.
第九条 互联网内容提供者的反通知应当包含以下内容:
Article 10 The notice of the copyright holder and the counter notice of the internet content provider shall be in writing.
The notice of the copyright holder and the counter notice of the internet content provider shall be deemed not to have been issued if they do not contain the contents specified in Article 8 or Article 9 hereof.
第十条 著作权人的通知和互联网内容提供者的反通知应当采取书面形式。
Article 11 If the internet information service provider is fully aware of the infringement of a third party‘s copyright by the internet content provider through the internet or, although not fully aware of such infringement, it fails to take actions to remove the relevant content upon receipt of the notice of the copyright holder, and the public interest is harmed at the same time, the copyright administrative department may order it to cease such infringing act and impose the following administrative penalties in accordance with Article 47 of the PRC, Copyright Law:
1. confiscate the illegal income; and
2. impose a fine of not more than three times the turnover from illegal business, or a fine not of more than Rmb 100,000 if it is difficult to calculate the turnover from illegal business.
第十一条 互联网信息服务提供者明知互联网内容提供者通过互联网实施侵犯他人著作权的行为,或者虽不明知,但接到著作权人通知后未采取措施移除相关内容,同时损害社会公共利益的,著作权行政管理部门可以根据《中华人民共和国著作权法》第四十七条的规定责令停止侵权行为,并给予下列行政处罚:
Article 12 If there is no evidence indicating that an internet information service provider is fully aware of the existence of the infringement or if it takes actions to remove the relevant content upon receipt of the notice of the copyright holder, it shall not bear administrative or legal liability.
第十二条 没有证据表明互联网信息服务提供者明知侵权事实存在的,或者互联网信息服务提供者接到著作权人通知后,采取措施移除相关内容的,不承担行政法律责任。
Article 13 When investigating and handling a case of infringement on the right of transmission on information networks in internet information services, the copyright administrative department may require the copyright holder to provide the necessary materials according to Article 12 of the Administrative Penalties in Connection with Copyright Implementing Procedures, as well as the notice it issues to the internet information service provider and the proof of failure of such internet information service provider to take actions to remove the relevant content.
第十三条 著作权行政管理部门在查处侵犯互联网信息服务活动中的信息网络传播权案件时,可以按照《著作权行政处罚实施办法》第十二条规定要求著作权人提交必备材料,以及向互联网信息服务提供者发出的通知和该互联网信息服务提供者未采取措施移除相关内容的证明。
Article 14 If an internet information service provider commits an act specified in Article 11 hereof and is determined by the copyright administrative department in accordance with the law as specializing in copyright piracy activities, or there are other serious circumstances, the case shall be handled by the State Council department in charge of information industry or the telecommunications administrative authority of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations. The internet access service provider shall cooperate with the implementation of corresponding handling measures pursuant to the notice of the State Council department in charge of information industry or the telecommunications administration authority of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government.
第十四条 互联网信息服务提供者有本办法第十一条规定的情形,且经著作权行政管理部门依法认定专门从事盗版活动,或有其他严重情节的,国务院信息产业主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市电信管理机构依据相关法律、行政法规的规定处理;互联网接入服务提供者应当依据国务院信息产业主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市电信管理机构的通知,配合实施相应的处理措施。
Article 15 If an internet information service provider fails to perform its obligations according to Article 6 hereof, the State Council department in charge of information industry or the telecommunications administrative authority of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government shall issue a warning and may also impose a fine of not more than Rmb 30,000.
第十五条 互联网信息服务提供者未履行本办法第六条规定的义务,由国务院信息产业主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市电信管理机构予以警告,可以并处三万元以下罚款。
Article 16 If, in the course of investigating and handling a case of infringement on the right of transmission on information networks in internet information services, the copyright administrative department discovers that the act of the internet information service provider is suspected to have constituted a criminal offence, it shall, pursuant to the State Council, Transfer of Suspected Criminal Cases from Administrative Enforcement Authority Provisions, transfer the case to the judicial authority for pursuit of criminal liability in accordance with the law.
第十六条 著作权行政管理部门在查处侵犯互联网信息服务活动中的信息网络传播权案件过程中,发现互联网信息服务提供者的行为涉嫌构成犯罪的,应当依照国务院《行政执法机关移送涉嫌犯罪案件的规定》将案件移送司法部门,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 17 These Procedures shall apply to the administrative protection of the rights of holders of copyright-related right, such as performers and producers of audio and video products, to disseminate their performance or their audio and video products to the public on the internet.
第十七条 表演者、录音录像制作者等与著作权有关的权利人通过互联网向公众传播其表演或者录音录像制品的权利的行政保护适用本办法。
Article 18 The National Copyright Administration and the Ministry of Information Industry shall be responsible for interpreting these Procedures.
第十八条 本办法由国家版权局和信息产业部负责解释。
Article 19 These Procedures shall be implemented as of 30 May 2005.
第十九条 本办法自2005年5月30日起施行。