Tag: <span>Berkman</span>

Born Digital in Video


Re:Born Digital, in Video
2010 summer interns take up "Born Digital"
October 01, 2010


This year’s Berkman Center summer interns tackled a big special project on top of their primary research responsibilities, working with the Youth and Media project and the Center’s digital media producer to create a set of videos — one for each chapter/topic of John Palfrey and Urs Gasser’s Born Digital.

Small teams of interns collected around the series of topics and formed video interpretations and presentations from out of their own perspectives and experiences, as well as the ways in which the topic intersected with their primary Berkman projects.

Ethan Zuckerman Talks at TED

Please watch Berkman Fellow Ethan Zuckerman‘s awsome talk puncturing the information cocoon. He introduces Yeeyan (译言), a website translating English articles into Chinese, and asks a very sharp question: who is translating the Chinese daily stories into English? And an even sharper question: if such culture bridges are constructed, who and how many ppl will cross them? Furthermore, (I say it in my words and I believe it should be what Ethan want to say) how to make people being used to crossing them?

Enjoy the vedio:



I just read Tim Hwang’s essay on the "Berkman School". It is very interesting although I am not a fan of categorizing "schools". He says Berkmanites tend to share the notion that the Internet has specific configuration of features, such as openess, freedom and unfathomably deepness. Hence the fire-walled China’s Internet might not be regarded as "The Internet".

This might be correct when one asks the Berkmanties what is the "ought to" Internet in their minds. While as a Berk-freshman, I’d rather considering what is the truth of the Internet. In my suspicion, the nuance or even major variety of cyber ecology among different countries/cultures/languages/regimes is unavoidable and has actually been formed for years. Considering the 1 billion accounts of QQ, the seperation of the Internet, the isolation of various version of "Internet" seems not merely a trend but also a truth. The problems seems not only "what are the features of the Internet distinct from the pre-internet society", but also "To each pre-internet community, what are the features of the Internet respectively."

Rebecca MacKinnon says there is a "Cyber-tarianism" not uniquely in Chinese Internet sphere. I am waiting for reading that. Nevertheless, I assume there is a trend of Cyber-ANYisms emerging from everywhere. At this stage, shall we take a "cyber-pluralism" into account firstly?