Official Twitter Accounts of The Largest Chinese Companies
I checked the Twitter accounts of the ten largest Chinese companies (per their annual revenue). The results are interesting.
I checked the Twitter accounts of the ten largest Chinese companies (per their annual revenue). The results are interesting.
– 随手拍儿童乞丐可以在墙内被讨论得那么热烈,只能说明可以被讨论的随手拍太少了。BTW,争论“该不该拍”有啥意思啊,来来去去就那么几个观点。既没技术含量,又没知识产量,更不增长智慧。非要问我的观点,那么很简单:不要做该由警察做的事,如果非要做,就不要随手做。
– 推荐EllaChou “中美网络战争” :
– RT @copyright “White House will propose new digital copyright laws”
法豆 twitter: @fadou,鉴于twitter在中国内地难以访问,所以不定期将这些条目整理为日志。以下为6月26日-7月21日法豆在Twitter上的记录,与Twitter上不同的是,按时间顺序正序排列。
7 July 2009, Beijing Time
Twitter, Facebook was shut down in afternoon or earlier. (most crowded Chinese twitter-like website) suspended its service on 23:45: