Tag: <span>电子商务法</span>



集锦二 | 集锦三

  • 李肇星:中国网民依法享受网络交往自由
  • 代表建议:网络语言分级 网游分时开放
  • 全国人大代表徐龙建议尽快制定电子商务法
  • 大代表建议:网络“扫黄”须立法
  • 人大代表沈长富:网络文化病态化庸俗化加剧
  • 人大代表建言“网络问政”:建立全国联动统一平台
  • 人大代表:网络监督应遵守适度原则
  • 夏绩恩等代表建议鼓励网络创业创造更多就业机会
  • 部分人大代表认为局长日记不算隐私 应受到监督


Book Chapter – Taxation Issues in the E-commerce

DONG Hao, “Taxation Issues in the E-commerce”, in LI Zuming (ed.), E-commerce Law, Beijing: University of International Business and Economics Press (2009), 19,000 words;


The E-commerce should not escape itself from the taxation. However, the troditional tax law and taxation policies would not cope with the new challenges including the identification of the taxpayer, the jurisdiction issues, the "new" objects of taxation, etc. This chapter firstly analyzed the impacts of the online commerce to the traditional tax law. Then it introduced the achievements either in the academia or in the legislations in various countries. China’s relevant taxation policies and the future development are discussed in the third section of this chapter. To make this book more practical,  although the structure of the chapter can be divided to the above three parts, the whole chapter always focuses on the possible dilemma as well as the solution in the context of Chinese taxation system.





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