Tag: <span>Chinese blawg</span>


张樊对业内问题的把握程度明显比我敏锐,看到我长篇累牍地写了几篇有关中文Blawg Sphere的东西后,很快抓住了实质:现在聚集在FYFZ里的Blawgger们,虽然大多满足于其现有的功能,但也已经出现了SNS的需求。我将其总结为:除了表达,我们还需要交流。

张樊今天还把China Blawg Review(中国法律博客观察)建立起来了,我也是管理员。这里转贴一些有关中国法律博客的讨论和评论,这属于“Blogger人类学”的范畴,呵呵不过应该不仅限于这个范畴。可以做一些范围更广的研讨。

地址:http://www.ChinaBlawgReview.org/     欢迎大家访问,也可先看这篇:推动中国法律博客发展:关于建立China BLawg Review的提议,这是我们一开始的初衷,不过可能这个网站应该不仅仅限于Reviews,边摸索边调整吧。



  吴丹红的《有感于“法博三剑客”》发表后,引起了一场争论,我在公爵王的相关文章《看法律博客的风向标》中凑热闹留了言,这里把思路再整理下,希望本文不但能澄清和防止一些不必要的争论,并且让争论变为更深入的讨论,从而对所谓中文法律博客圈(Chinese Blawgsphere)的发展有更多的助益。呼…似乎有点托大,不过嘛,请大家先看看再砸好了,呵呵。




Why are Chinese Blawgs Like law Journals

Title: Why do Chinese Blawgs Represent themselves as Law Reviews and even Academic Libraries – A Historical Observation
Ver.:  1.1
Date: 20060624
By: Donnie H. DONG (http://blawgdog.com)
Licence: CC: by-nc-sa
For China Blawg Review Vol. 1 (Click here to JOIN US)

I have mentioned in last lawg that Chines blawgs are mostly like formal journals but not classical blogs. I am trying to analysis its reason in this post. Heh, follow the formal style of Chinese blawgs, I may name this essay as "An Empiristic Research form the Perspective of Sociology of Knowledge"…

Let’s recall the history of the personal legal website in China.

Around and/or after 1995, touched by the Internet, some pioneers established the first generation of Chinese personal pages conerning legal issues. The earliest and most famous one is "China Judge", found by Yau Zheng-hui, a judge in Fujian Province (I myself has one also, see its remains here). These websites had a common character: like a self-edited magazine as well as a personal book shelf which included articles, books and other things that did or did not created by the site owner. 

In the very beginning, contents created other than the founder of the sites often came directly from the authors. At that time, most legal researchers and practicers were not very familiar with the Internet. Normally being friends of the legal sites owners, they agree to publish their works in cyberspace freely after a rough consideration in that the publication in cyberspace would not affect their interstes.