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Book Chapters-The Intellectual Property Law (2004)

Here are English abstracts of my book chapters in CHEN Xinghua (ed.), The Intellectual Property Law (Kunming: Yunnan University Press, 2004).

Chapter 25: Name of Commercial Entities and Geographical Indication
This chapter includes two sections. The first one introduces the following contents: the identification and characters of the Name of Commercial Entities (NCE); the conditions for gaining NCE; how does Chinese law regulate the NCE, i.e., the specific regulations in Trade Mark Law, Anti-Trust Law and Civil Law; and how could these regulations be applied in the dispute resolution. In the section of “Geographical Indication”, the notions of Indication of Source, Appellation of origin and Geographical Indication (GI) will be differentiated and compared, followed by the description of the protective mode on GI, through which the related provisions of TRIPS will be examined and possible legislation suggestions in China will be proposed.
Key contents of this chapter include: the identification of NCE, the difference between NCE and trade name; the name rule of NCE in China; the legal protection to NCE; the difference and connection among Indication of Source, Appellation of origin and Geographical Indication; the identification of GI in TRIPS; the protective regulation in China’s Trade Mark Law. During the studies, it is advisable that the students should familiarize the international and domestic regulations related to this chapter. And the method of moot court could be utilized to furniture the comprehensive capacity in problem resolving in the reality.
There are about 10,000 Chinese words in this chapter.
Chapter 26: The Intellectual Property Concerning Internet and the Information Technology
This chapter is a pilot pedagogy on “Internet Intellectual Property”. It discusses the questions of domain name, integrate circuit layout design and the rights of website and homepage designers. It introduces the related modern legal system and familiarizes the students about consultant know-how at one hand. On the other hand, it demonstrates the substantial influence of Internet era on the intellectual property and civil law system and the significance of cyber law.
Key contents of this chapter include: the concept of domain name; the identification and characters of rights of domain name; the copy right features of domain name; the dispute resolution arrangement in China; the standard of ill faith in defying domain name violation; the relation between Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and judicial litigation; the copy rights contents of integrate circuit layout design and the preconditions to gain such rights; the concept of data base; the copy right relations between data base software designer and website designer; the jurisdiction on Internet intellectual property disputes; the infringement of illegal using of published works and the responsibilities of website designers/owners and Internet service providers.
There are about 22,000 Chinese words in this chapter.
Chapter 28:The International Protection on Intellectual Property
This chapter briefly reviews about twenty international treaties on the arena of intellectual property; among them include the major components of Paris Convention, Berne Convention, Copy Right Treaty of WIPO and TRIPS. The protective system in relation of intellectual property in WIPO and WTO are also introduced. Furthermore, the chapter discusses the international registration of trademark and international protection on copyrights. The reader may want to refer the other chapters that examine the related questions in depth for a better understanding of this chapter. The main provisions of the international treaties and their development process are the key issues of this chapter.

There are about 18,000 Chinese words in this chapter.






  • 第一版(1960年):為溥傑執筆,記事止於1957年。1960年1月,由新華書店以內部書發行。
  • 第二版(1964年):1963年,李文達執筆於定稿,1964年,由群眾出版社出版。
  • 1980年代,李文達与溥儀后人發生著作權糾紛,前后延续十余年,到1996年,北京高院裁決認定溥儀為《我的前半生》一書的作者,並享有該書的著作權。
  • 完整版(2007):1964年,群众出版社所出版的《我的前半生》(定本)一書中,因當時社會環境和諸多政治原因所致,原稿被刪除了16萬字。2006年,群众出版社所出版的《我的前半生》(全本)將刪除內容全部還原,溥儀在改造過程中的情況、溥儀的打油詩以及占卜的卦辭等內容將首次與讀者見面。
  • 2007年,北京日报报业集团所属同心出版社称其获得溥仪继承人、其弟溥任的代理人授权,已开展该书“同心版”的编辑出版工作。9月,“同心版”的《我的前半生》出版,除出版了1964版溥仪原著外,还同时附带出版了由李淑贤、王庆祥整理的《溥仪日记》(天津人民出版社首版)。
  • 2007年9月25日,《人民法院报》在第4版的位置,发布了北京市西城区中级人民法院的一则《公告》:“本院受理群众出版社申请认定溥仪所著《我的前半生》在其继承人李淑贤去世后为无主财产一案,依法对上述财产发出认领公告,自公告之日起一年内,如果无人认领,本院将依法判决。”
  • 2007年11月23日,中国版权协会学术委员会等单位在人民大学开了个“《我的前半生》著作权问题学术研讨会”。
  • 2008年8月22日,报纸报道,自称为溥仪侄女的金女士来到西城法院,申请认领《我的前半生》版权。金女士称,李淑贤晚年的日常生活由她和丈夫照料,看到法院发布的公告后,她想起李淑贤女士临终前曾交给她一份《委托书》,内容是希望将该书版权拍卖,所得款项用于处理李淑贤和溥仪的身后事务。因有人对该书提出申请认领版权,西城法院依法裁定本案终结。









吴观乐 / 2007-5-1 / 知识产权出版社 / 80.0 /
 蔚蓝网68.00元  卓越网66.6元



国家保护知识产权工作组 / 2008/ 人民出版社 / 39.0 /






前 言



《BlawgWorld 2007》——美国法律博客的小百科

  《BlawgWorld 2007 with Technolawyer Problem/Solution Guide》是一本由Technolawyer.com编辑的电子书(PDF格式),发布于2007年7月30日。一开始,我以为不过是类似于文集的一本休闲性质的东西,下载下来后一直放着没看。今天睡不着觉,打开它准备催眠一下,但没想到一打开竟然荷尔蒙乱冒,其中内容之丰富,编排之精细,完全出乎我的意料。


  其次,这本书中总结了185个律师事务所运营中的常见问题及其解决方案,即所谓“Technolawyer Problem/Solution Guide”部分,这些问题包括事务所的业务管理、文献资料的搜索方法、收费方式的建议、客户宣传等等诸多方面,全部都是非常实用的资料——从“怎么组织我电脑中的各类文献”到“怎样在法庭辩论中准备PPT文档”,再到“我应建议客户保护哪些知识产权利益”等等。而这些问题答案如同真正的网络日志一样,大多包含了各式各样的链接、下载地址和相关资料索引,帮助读者轻易地真正解决他们想解决的问题。
