Tag: <span>Chinese</span>


作者:李毅  译者(编者):
ISBN:0-7618-3331-5  语言:中文
出版日期:2005年11月  出版社:University Press of America
The Structure & Evolution of Chinese Social Stratification has finally addressed this gap. Dr. Li provides detailed analysis critical to understanding the class structure of Chinese society, both pre-1949 and in the post-Mao era. His explanation of the origin, structure, and evolution of the model will be essential reading material for any introductory student of Chinese society.


  目 录


Some Useful Links on China Internet Governance

Internet Governance in China is an aspect of my research topics. The following is a list of some useful publicated materials on the topic. I believe this collection is very copyrightable even it is just a rough version. This list is also contributed by Dr. Zhao Yun, so please at least mention our name (Zhao Yun and Dong Hao) and the URL of this site (www.blawgdog.com) after you use it.
Click HERE to see the details.

IGP launches Chinese website

The Internet Governance Project announced today that its website is now available in  Chinese. "We view it essential that one of the world’s largest Internet user community  have access to the global debate on Internet governance," said IGP Operations Director  Brenden Kuerbis. "In anticipation of the upcoming Internet Governance Forum, all  individuals, the private sector and governments must have access to objective analysis of  issues of freedom of expression, content filtering, and competition policy surrounding  critical network resources."  While only providing limited translation at this point, IGP  plans to publish translations of key papers prior to the Forum.



  不是正题,但要说在前面的话(可以略过): 国人对“blog”一词的翻译,有网志、博客、部落格等多种。在中国大陆,在Blogspot等全球最有影响的blog服务提供者被屏蔽的条件下,众多blog服务提供商利用“博客”一词在中国媒体文化中独特的亲和力和吸引力,使其成为“Blog”在中国最通用的翻译。但是,一些对互联网文化有所认识的人们,早已对这个词汇的模糊性、误导性提出过强烈的批评(点这里看),这种批评绝非仅仅基于技术,而是对中文Blog的体制性忧虑。为了正本清源,我今后将直接用Blog、Blawg(法律“博文”)、Blawgger等词汇——这绝对不是所谓“美国的月亮圆”,而恰恰是为了防止和批判只学形式,而忽略实质的、真正的生搬硬套。



An Introduction of Chinese Blawgs, Beta

Blawgging For China Blawg Review Vol. 1 Ver Beta 0.1
Title: An Introduction of Chinese Blawgs
Ver.: Beta 0.1
Date: 20060330
By: Donnie H. DONG (http://blawgdog.com)
Licence: CC:by-nc-sa
Because of the difficulty of reading Chinese characters (even knowing Chinese, one may be crazy when he find that Chinese itself includes three kinds of totally different computer character formats, that’s why Taiwan might split from China in cyber era, I think), a small part of China Blawg map has been unveiled to English surfers. Actually, most of disclosed China blawgs are with some "foreign link", that is, the blawgers may be foreign researchers and/or lawyers interested in China’s law, or its market, and these blawgs are mostly in pure English.
However, Chinese lawyers have established a large (not very heavy yet) Chinese blawg atlas in Chinese character, though the first legal Chinese blawg service provider appeared just around Jan 2005. Now there are thousands of blawgs in China, and the blawgers covered nearly all legal professions.
Most Chinese blawgs are set on blawg service providers’ servers, and rare ones have their own independent domain name. Now there are 7 blawg service providers. They are FYFZ.cn (more than 8000 registrants), Cnlawblog.com (more than 8000), Lawoy.com (400), Blog.highcourt.org (less than 3000 but only 100 active), Lawblog.cn (700), chinaeclaw.com (less than 400)and Lawspirit.org (more than 1000). The last one declares that it provides a “bilingual” blawg system, but it seems this ad does not allure potential blawgers. Interestingly, the FYFZ.cn, which provides the poorest application, is the most popular one, i.e. there are more than 500 active individual blawgs set on this site and the dozens of new ones are created each day.
The most significant characteristic of FYFZ.cn is that it is more "academic" or even "bookishness" than the others. Although the amount of lawyers’ (I mean barristers and solicitors here) blawgs is the highest, scholars dominate the site undoubtedly. A few eminent professors and more legal researchers lawg there activates, ideas, book chapters and even research proposals on there own blawgs. Among them, Dr. XU Xin becomes the top one with his blawg "Poetical Justice", which get more than 347 thousands hits since Jan 2005. Other famous scholars include Prof. XIE Hui, Prof. LIN Lai-Fan, Prof. HE Wei-fang, Prof. WEI Dun-You, Prof. ZHANG Chu, Prof. ZHANG Jian-Sheng, Prof. ZHANG Hai-Bing, Prof. FAN Jin-Xue, Prof. GU Ming-Kang, etc. WANG Yi, whose blog has (at least legendarily) been censored frequently, also registered a blawg in FYFZ.cn.
A registrant is not equal to a blawger of cause. Most registrant only post few logs, and a great amount of those logs can not be regarded as "lawgs"—-entertainments and hobbies are always easier than legal analysis. I will introduce some individual blawgs later.