Tag: <span>Case</span>




  2007年10月,Usenet.com被美国唱片业协会(RIAA)起诉了——即“ Arista Records v. Usenet.com, Inc.”案。RIAA认为Usenet.com在提供服务的过程中,有包括直接侵权、帮助侵权和代位侵权(vicarious infringement)的所有版权侵权行为。官司打了一年多,2009年7月1日,纽约南区联邦地方法院法官Harold Baer作出了判决:被告的确侵权了,而且其行为包括上述各种形式的侵权。

  这个案件是版权人第一次大规模向新闻组这种古老的互联网应用开炮。和前几年的Napster及Grokster案一样,被告援引了1984年的BetaMax案(Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc.)和DMCA法案,以自己所提供的服务有实质非侵权性用途,并且自己只是提供服务而未上载盗版作品为理由,寻求避风港原则的庇护。







BaiDu offered its Legal search Engine recently. I just get this news from China Law Prof Blog since I seldom use Baidu.com.

As I have estimated before trying it, Baidu keeps on artificially controlling the searching results. From Baidu’s legal search engine, one can not get case materials in which Baidu involved and lost, though these cases can be found in baidu’s normal webpage searching results. For instance, a famous case on MP3 downloading issues, in which Baidu was sued by a ShangHai company, dose not exist in Baidu’s legal data base. In another cross action between Baidu and 3-7-2-1 (another Chinese Internet service provider), Baidu’s law engine only records a judgment in favor to Baidu, whilist another judement in favor to 3-7-2-1 is disappeared.

  因为基本不用百度,所以直到今天才从China Law Prof Blog上看见百度建立“法律搜索”站的消息。这个站显然与北大法律信息网有关。

  但是,在百度上,无法搜到不利于百度的案件判决书。例如,在百度法律搜索中,搜索“上海步升音乐文化传播有限公司”,可以发现该公司为当事人的多个案件,却惟独没有其起诉百度的那个著名案子;再如,如果直接搜索百度公司名称“百度在线网络技术 有限公司”,则只能搜到百度起诉北京三七二一科技有限公司的案子,而几乎同时发生的“三七二一公司诉百度网讯科技有限公司”案则不见踪影。不过,在百度网页搜索中,这些案件都还能搜得到。

Case: No fault even mis-lading goods

 Case Name:

New National Assurance Company Limited Vs. Shanghai RIJIN-TOP Express International Forwarding Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Maritime Court of PRC (SMC), Civil Judgment (2004) TMC (Chu) No. 492
Judges: Xin Hai (C. J.), Qian Xu, Sun Ying-wei
Date: 21 April 2005
If the shipper did not notified the carrier the special features of the goods, the carrier should not be liable to the damages even there was an inappropriate lading by the carrier and/or his employees for no fault were found in the case.

A case on recognizing the arbitral awards in China

Vysanthi Shipping Company Limited V. China Grains, Oils and Feedstuffs Co., Ltd, etc.
Tianjin Maritime Court of PRC (TMC), Civil order in Writing(2004) TMC (Que) No.1
Summary of Facts:
The dispute between the applicant and the first defendant on the B/L of Joanna V Ship issued on 28 June 1996 had been heard by the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) and an award was issued on 14 March 2001. According to the award, the applicant should obtain USD 367,136.86 in general average contribution (G.A.C.) and USD 28,500 in damages of resorting. The applicant should also obtain the interest on 7% per year of the above amount. The interest of damages of resorting (USD 28,500) will be calculated from 1 August 1996. The commencement time for calculating the G.A.C interest, however, would depend on the negotiation result between the applicant and the first defendant. If their negotiation failed, the arbitration court would decide the date. The end dates of both damages’ interest are the day when the first defendant made the de facto payment to the applicant. On 20 June 2001, LCIA made the second award in that the commencing date of calculating the interest of resorting damages should be 12 July 1996. In the same award, the arbitration fees in two arbitration procedure were decided to be paid by the first defendant. On 13 February 2002, the third award was made to confirm that the cost of the whole dispute should be paid by the first defendant….