Tag: <span>域名权</span>

CNNIC 域名争议解决办法官方英译文本的质量令人担忧

Image credits: tinypic.com   众所周知(或者至少业内周知),域名争议解决大致有两条路径:一是通过行政程序,在域名争议解决中心由独立的专家组作出裁决;二是通过司法程序解决。对于专家组裁决,专家组和当事人所依据的是由域名管理机构所颁布的域名争议解决规则。对“.cn”域名而言,这些规则主要有:《中国互联网络信息中心国家顶级域名争议解决办法》(《解决办法》)及《中国互联网络信息中心国家顶级域名争议解决程序规则》(《程序规则》)等。   关于争议解决程序中使用的语言,《解决办法》第六条和《程序规则》第八条规定:原则上,裁决程序使用的语言为中文,但投诉人和被投诉人另有约定,或者专家组决定采用其他语言的除外。也就是说,在一定情况下,英文或者其它语言可以作为“.cn”域名争议程序中使用的语言。这一点,在实践中也很常见。如果双方当事人均不使用中文为母语,或者投诉人能够证明被投诉人能够理解英文而被投诉人又没有反对,或者投诉人的主张和证据又大多以英文构成,投诉人就可能要求专家作裁决以英文作为程序语言,而专家组往往也会予以支持。 也就是说,尽管作准文本是中文,英文版本的《解决办法》和《程序规则》在很多案件中可能成为非常重要的参考工具。其翻译的准确性也就十分必要了。然而,CNNIC官方网站上的英文版《解决办法》中,就存在显而易见的问题。下面简要列举说明之。

Some Useful Links on China Internet Governance

Internet Governance in China is an aspect of my research topics. The following is a list of some useful publicated materials on the topic. I believe this collection is very copyrightable even it is just a rough version. This list is also contributed by Dr. Zhao Yun, so please at least mention our name (Zhao Yun and Dong Hao) and the URL of this site (www.blawgdog.com) after you use it.
Click HERE to see the details.

"The news is just .MIL.CN"

I find the illustration of misunderstanding/mis-translation to the new promulgation of Declaration on China’s Domain Name System in Rebecca’s Blog. It is really funny in that some foreigners seem always interested in the censorship issues and this make them used to burst out "alarmists".

It is a matter of FACT that Chinese Gov will not relieve its censorship policy tomorrow morning. However, there is another FACT in that, at least up to now, this censorship is mainly technical but not legislatorial (for example, the gov dose not impose the installation of application that can identificate the ".公司" names). And even when some really questionalble regulations are promulgated (of course not including this one as Rebecca has clarified in her post), it is another matter of FACT in that the enforcement of these regulations are often not as effeciently as what those observers, who may live in a country under the rule of law, would anticipate. (sorry I will not take examples here).

Another important information from Rebecca’s entry is that CNNIC did not actually use any alternative/parellel root.