BlawgDog | 博铎法豆

让中国法律博客与世界真正连通:关于建立China BLawg Review的提议



提议人:董皓(Donnie H. Dong)、张樊(Zhang Fan)


CBR: An Introduction of Chinese Blawgs

CBR is an abbreviation of China Blawg Review, initiated by Donnie, is (or will be) an online blogging journal aims at introducing Chinese Blawgs to those do not speak Chinese. Welcome to participate this free and creative-common work. Please contact me if you are interested in participating the team.

The first lawg of CBR is: An Introduction of Chinese BLawgs, Ver. 0.6, by Donnie H. Dong. Please follow the link and have a happy reading.


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如果是英文网页的话,我会用SexLaw将有关女权、两性、性向歧视的文字和资料捏拢。但中文语境中,我想来想去,还是找不到除了“性知识”以外,有哪个合适的词汇来表达我将来会在这个栏目中放的文章的全部,总不可能栏目名称又臭又长地也来个“Gender Issues and So on”吧。所以决定继续使用“性知识”这个名字。也许有人会不喜欢甚至反感,但是,连李银河老师都说了:珍爱生命,远离傻逼——如果说见到这个词就瞎想还勉强算正常生理反应的话,那些看见这个词就认为我猥亵的人,估计都属于不用搭理的一类。


UBB语法 UBB标签就是不允许使用HTML语法的情况下,通过论坛的特殊转换程序,以至可以支持少量常用的、无危害性的HTML效果显示。以下为具体使用说明:   


(B)文字(/B): 在文字的位置可以任意加入您需要的字符,显示为粗体效果。   

An Introduction of Chinese Blawgs, Beta

Blawgging For China Blawg Review Vol. 1 Ver Beta 0.1
Title: An Introduction of Chinese Blawgs
Ver.: Beta 0.1
Date: 20060330
By: Donnie H. DONG (
Licence: CC:by-nc-sa
Because of the difficulty of reading Chinese characters (even knowing Chinese, one may be crazy when he find that Chinese itself includes three kinds of totally different computer character formats, that’s why Taiwan might split from China in cyber era, I think), a small part of China Blawg map has been unveiled to English surfers. Actually, most of disclosed China blawgs are with some "foreign link", that is, the blawgers may be foreign researchers and/or lawyers interested in China’s law, or its market, and these blawgs are mostly in pure English.
However, Chinese lawyers have established a large (not very heavy yet) Chinese blawg atlas in Chinese character, though the first legal Chinese blawg service provider appeared just around Jan 2005. Now there are thousands of blawgs in China, and the blawgers covered nearly all legal professions.
Most Chinese blawgs are set on blawg service providers’ servers, and rare ones have their own independent domain name. Now there are 7 blawg service providers. They are (more than 8000 registrants), (more than 8000), (400), (less than 3000 but only 100 active), (700), (less than 400)and (more than 1000). The last one declares that it provides a “bilingual” blawg system, but it seems this ad does not allure potential blawgers. Interestingly, the, which provides the poorest application, is the most popular one, i.e. there are more than 500 active individual blawgs set on this site and the dozens of new ones are created each day.
The most significant characteristic of is that it is more "academic" or even "bookishness" than the others. Although the amount of lawyers’ (I mean barristers and solicitors here) blawgs is the highest, scholars dominate the site undoubtedly. A few eminent professors and more legal researchers lawg there activates, ideas, book chapters and even research proposals on there own blawgs. Among them, Dr. XU Xin becomes the top one with his blawg "Poetical Justice", which get more than 347 thousands hits since Jan 2005. Other famous scholars include Prof. XIE Hui, Prof. LIN Lai-Fan, Prof. HE Wei-fang, Prof. WEI Dun-You, Prof. ZHANG Chu, Prof. ZHANG Jian-Sheng, Prof. ZHANG Hai-Bing, Prof. FAN Jin-Xue, Prof. GU Ming-Kang, etc. WANG Yi, whose blog has (at least legendarily) been censored frequently, also registered a blawg in
A registrant is not equal to a blawger of cause. Most registrant only post few logs, and a great amount of those logs can not be regarded as "lawgs"—-entertainments and hobbies are always easier than legal analysis. I will introduce some individual blawgs later.  



