Timeline of Oracle v. Google and the docket files
Issue: whether Oracle can claim a copyright on Java APIs and, if so, whether Google infringes these copyrights.
Issue: whether Oracle can claim a copyright on Java APIs and, if so, whether Google infringes these copyrights.
Nortel表示,之前曾經有許多家廠商參與多次競標。Google與Nortel已經達成所謂的「假馬資產銷售(stalking horse asset sale)」,其他符合資格的競標者仍可出價高於該搜尋引擎龍頭的價格來搶標。
The game of “Spoting the Difference" starts again!
Google’s ICP license renewed. See the captured today’s Google.cn web page below (left), and compare it with the page in last week (right).
Google.cn on 9 July 2010: |
Google.cn on 4 July 2010: |
Exactly as what I predicted, Google is trying to make Google.cn being a non-search engine website. It now places "Music", "Translation" and "Shopping" at the web page. These are what Google wishes to keep on running in China. While the search engine service of Google.cn is replaced by a link to google.com.hk. Legally speaking, Google.cn is not providing search engine service currently. It is merely a link to another website. Just like the links added in any of our own web posts.
From Google.cn, to G.cn, to Chinese name Guge, this Internet giant tried to fit its size and pose to the bottle of censorship, while it still can not afford the conflict of the values. In 2009, it has been blocked from access, humiliated for spreading porn and accused for copyright infringement. Finally, Google expressed its value in a direct, as well as not Chinese, way.
When I heard this news yesterday, the first thing what I did was to save the page of Google.cn. It may be dead soon.
Following a tweet, people gathered and present flowers to Google Beijing office (click here for more, and the latest report is: along with flowers and candles, a book 1984 by George orwell joined the gifts for sacrifice):
Twitter is blocked in China, but yesterday the Chinese twitters made tag #GoogleCN climbed to the top ten of twitter’s keywords. It is a bit touching, and a bit hopeful – A profitable, foreign company get this means filtering and block still not make Chinese people (at least some of them) losing their eyesight and judgment to what is good and what is bad.
There is a big chain restaurant company who named itself Eatool. Based in Amilina (a country allowing people eat almost everything except small chicken), Eatool provides delicious meats, including pork, beef and adult chicken. At the same time, it also sells dishware and other stuffs in each of its restaurants.
Few years ago, Eatool opened a new restaurant in Cinet, a country where the king forbid selling pork, as well as chicken.
Personally, Eatool’s boss loves pork, but he knows that selling pork in their Cinet restaurant means shut down the business including the dishware. So they hired Cinet people run the restaurant in Cinet, and restricted themselves from selling pork. At the same time, Eatool sells dishware to Cinetizens.
几年前,Eatool 在西纳开了一家分店。西纳是一个王国的名字。在这个国家里,国王禁止吃猪肉,也禁止吃鸡肉——不管是成年鸡还是小鸡的肉。
shizhao[2009-12-04 02:16 PM ]说:
As an Interent application or online service, "Google Books" may not necessarily be found infringement.
But, Google would be held infringement liability if it really scanned Chinese books without authors’ consents.
First of all, I am talking about Chinese copyright Law. As for whether the same act would be held infringement in the US courts, I don’t know. I don’t know because once the Google Book Settlement is approved by judge, the case will be dismissed without ruling. Even if the settlement were not approved, and even if the case were finally ruled favoring Google, it would merely be a US judgement binding in the US, not necessarily binding in China. In other words, so long as the case is in Chinese courts’ jurisdiction, Chinese courts shall, according to Chinese copyrigh law, make their onw decisions no matter what the US court’s ruling is. This is a crutial common sence, but I doubt many people may forget it, because for a long time, I see too many comments to Chinese cases according to US laws.
Second, the only relationship between the US court’s ruling and China is: if China thinks a US binding judgment or the approval of settlement violate TRIPS, China may file the case to the WTO.
Third, back to the dispute between Chinese writers and Google, for the forgivable exploitation of the copyrighted works, Chinese copyright law is following the European mode of "limitations to coyright" but not the US concept of "fair use". Therefore, unless a non-liability provision has been provided explicitly, the conduct will be judged infringement once such conduct is regulated in Art. 10 of Chinese Copyright Law as the content of copyright. Until now, China only allows the search engines to store the content in other websites automatically. A conduct of scanning the books, from the first pege to the last, from the first line of each shelf to the last line, constitutes infringement definitely (unless the conductor is public library).
Fourth, Google’s self-limitation of accessing to the full-text of the scanned books is another story. The infringement has been established soon after scanning and storing books in its servers.
Last but not less importantly, this is a legal and positivist analysis. Not a value criticism. I am not saying that Google Books is a good/bad thing hereby. I am also not saying that one should not look at the case and the whole set of the current law critically. On the contrary, the real criticism should be based the fact on which some obvious good thing is hindered by the existing law, or some obvious bad thing is permitted by the existing law.
“对不起,您所拨打的用户无法接通,请稍候再拨——Shorty, the lumbar you are dying cannot be switched now, please die later”。
请先看这个新闻:澳大利亚政府限制Google Map显示“野火地图服务”
自2月8日上线后,GoogleMap所提供的野火监看服务,已有超过100万人次浏览。Google澳洲工程主任AlanNoble表示,得知澳洲消 防局 (CommonwealthFireAuthority,简称CFA)已无力维持其在线野火资料的更新,Google工程师决定伸出援手,在 GoogleMap提供即时地图、位置和野火强度等信息,并取得CFA同意。 但Google欲向维多利亚省永续环境部索取公有土地的火灾资料时,竟遭到拒绝,导致工程人员无法制作这部分的地图。根据Noble的说法,此事应归咎于Crown著作权法条。此规定将所有政府产生资讯的著作权,全数归于政府,防止未经明确许可的使用……
[update 2009-12-6] LJR兄提醒我说信息网络传播权保护条例第21条是不管“搜索引擎扫描复制网页到自己的服务器”的行为的。我才发现自己一开始写这篇帖子的时候,脑子里把“网页快照”和“系统缓存”混在一起了。下面是修改后的帖子,绿色部分是新增加的,删除线部分是原来写的一些话。本文不得转载(因为你一转载就把删除线转载丢了,文章就乱套了)。
[1] 《信息网络传播权保护条例》其实不只在讲作为“著作权”下位概念的“信息网络传播权”,而是在讲信息网络上的著作权。这后面的原因在于一个巨大的误解,讲出来就是一篇论文了。因为跟主题关系已经不大,这里不多说了。
[2] 即使我们在未来的著作权法改革中,从别的理由出发(比如公共图书馆的合理使用…可惜谷歌无论如何都不是图书馆,所以也轮不到它),认为可以将某些扫描图书并提供网上浏览的行为合法化,都还可以再讨论,但以适当引用这一条作为出发点——讲直接一点——完全不搭边。